Our staff is here to assist you. See below for each staffer's assigned issue area. If you aren't sure who to contact, please contact our main office by emailing sully@fairfaxcounty.gov or calling 703-814-7100.
Meaghan Kiefer, Chief of Staff
Economic Development and Mobility, County Budget, Taxes, Audit, Office FOIA Representative, Media and Press Relations, and Sports Tourism.
Email: Meaghan.Kiefer@fairfaxcounty.gov
Poonam Ramgopal
Supervisor’s Scheduler, Office Calendar, Land Use and Development Process, Zoning Applications, Site Plans, Code Compliance, Affordable and Manufactured Housing, Homeowners Associations and Civic Associations, Capital Improvement Plan, and Notary Public.
Email: Poonam.Ramgopal@fairfaxcounty.gov
Kim Ward
Transportation and Transit Projects, Streetlights, Road Maintenance, Snow Removal, Trails and Sidewalks, Community Parking Districts, Libraries, and County Boards, Authorities and Commissions (BACs).
Email: Kimberly.Ward@fairfaxcounty.gov
Dan Dolan
Legislative Affairs, Board Matters, Voting and Elections, Public Safety, Animal Services, Deer Management, Park Authority, Athletic Field Use, Community Outreach and Events, and Nonprofit Organizations.
Email: Daniel.Dolan@fairfaxcounty.gov
Brian Nolte
Website, Newsletter, Social Media, Environmental Policy, Solid Waste and Recycling, Energy, Trees and Urban Forestry, Stormwater and Streams, and Utilities and Public Works.
Email: Brian.Nolte@fairfaxcounty.gov
Kodili Agwu
Front Desk Reception, Office Administration, Office Supply Procurement, Community Room Reservations, Health and Human Services, and Schools and Education.
Email: Kodili.Agwu@fairfaxcounty.gov