For Immediate Release
August 9, 2023
Fairfax County Department of Transportation will hold a virtual public input meeting on projects to be submitted for FY25 Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant funding. This program invests in community-based projects that expand non-motorized travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by improving the cultural, historical and environmental aspect of the transportation infrastructure. The virtual meeting will be held Wednesday, August 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. At the meeting, county staff will give a presentation about the program, followed by a question-and-answer session.
Join the Meeting
To attend the meeting, Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 6:00 pm, you may join online or call in by phone.
- Join the meeting online
- Join by phone: 571-429-5982 Access Code: 726415250#
- View the presentation here.
- Watch the presentation here.
Fairfax County Projects Considered for FY25 TA Grant Funding
Compton Road Walkway (Bull Run Regional Park to Cub Run Stream Valley Park)
- This project will construct approximately 550 feet of a 10 ft. wide paved Shared Use Path (SUP) on the east side of Compton Road. The SUP will connect to the existing Cub Run Stream Valley Trail with a SUP crossing to the entrance to the Bull Run Regional Events Center located on Compton Road. The existing bridge over Cub Run will be widened to accommodate the SUP.
Mason Neck Trail (Pohick Bay Park Entrance to Route 1)
- This project will construct missing walkway links along Gunston Road from Richmond Highway (Route 1) to the existing Mason Neck Trail.
Shrevewood Safe Routes to School (Safe Routes to School)
- The Shrevewood Elementary School (Safe Routes to School) project will add two new marked crosswalks across Shreve Road, one at Fairwood Lane to the west with a pedestrian refuge island and one at the eastern driveway of Shrevewood Elementary School, in addition to a third crosswalk across Virginia Lane at Virginia Avenue. The crosswalks will provide neighborhood access to school amenities and the W&OD Trail. These improvements will improve safety and access for students choosing to walk or bicycle to school.
Bush Hill ES SRTS (Ninian Ave. to Larno Dr.)
- This project will complete approximately 850 feet of sidewalk between Ninian Avenue and Larno Avenue. Completing this missing sidewalk link will improve safety and accessibility for children walking and bicycling to school.
Lake Braddock Safe Routes to School
- This project will construct a pedestrian signal at the intersection of Burke Lake Road and the entrance of Lake Braddock Secondary School. Crosswalks will be constructed on each side of the intersection. The sidewalk (approximately 250-ft) on the southern side of Burke Lake Road connecting the two proposed crosswalks is also to be reconstructed to 6-ft wide. Additionally, 6 ramps are proposed to be reconstructed to ADA standards.
Transportation Alternatives (TA) are federally funded, community-based projects that expand travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by integrating modes and improving the cultural, historic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure. Projects can include creation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, streetscape improvements, refurbishment of historic transportation facilities, and other investments that enhance communities, connections, and access. The federal government provides funding for TA projects through the nation's Federal-aid highway transportation legislation.