
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson
Acting Director

Board of Supervisors Approves $5 Million for Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement and Maintenance Projects

For Immediate Release
November 1, 2022

Today the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved $5 million for active transportation and maintenance projects to improve the county’s pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and to purchase additional speed display signs. The Board set a goal to identify $100 million over a six-year period and directed the Department of Transportation to compile a list of potential projects and develop a prioritization process for implementation. The approved funding also includes resources for maintenance needs in addition to new projects. 

Crosswalk Improvement Projects

For the first phase of funding, crosswalk improvement projects received $2.7 million. They were selected by screening documented crosswalk improvement needs for projects that are likely feasible within the right-of-way or with minimal land acquisition, without significant design challenges, and without known utility impacts. The approved list below was developed in coordination with Board offices. 

Crossing Street

At/Between (Intersecting Street)


Proposed Tentative Scope

Guinea Road

Rutherford Park


Install curb ramps, curb extension, and Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB)

Guinea Road

Bronte Drive


Install refuge with lane narrowing, marked crosswalks on east and west sides and relocate bus stop (school bus)

Westmoreland Street

Rosewood Drive


Install refuge and RRFB, relocate bus stop

Georgetown Pike

Great Falls Library


Install refuge and ramps near Bucks Lane on the west side of Tex-Mex driveway

Kingstown Village Parkway

Park Village Drive


Install refuge and relocate bus stop

Kingstown Village Parkway

Cross Gate Lane


Install refuge and relocate bus stop

Bluemont Way

Explorer Street

Hunter Mill

Install refuge and ramps and possible RRFB

Green Range Drive

Pyrenees Court/Dogwood Pool

Hunter Mill

Install ramps and marked crosswalk

Braddock Road

Witch Hazel Road


Install refuge with truncated domes

Murray Lane

Early Street


Install marked crosswalk and ramps

Hooes Road

South Run Stream Valley Trail

Mount Vernon/Springfield

Install RRFB

Hooes Road

Dudley Drive/Laurel Cress Drive

Mount Vernon

Install new crosswalk and ramps

Blake Lane

Bushman Drive


Install refuge, RRFB, channelized right and crosswalks

Woodburn Road

Pine Ridge Park Entrance


Install refuge

Silverbrook Road

Crosspointe Drive


Install refuge, ramps and RRFB

Hooes Road

South Run Stream Valley Trail

Springfield/Mount Vernon

Install RRFB

Stringfellow Road

Foxfield Pool


Install refuge with truncated domes

Stone Heather Drive

Franklin Farm Shopping Center at Launch Trampoline Park


Install marked crosswalk and ramps


Trail and Sidewalk Maintenance

Potential trail and sidewalk maintenance projects were funded in the amount of $2 million: 

  • $1 million trail maintenance for the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) for trails maintained by the County that can be implemented as a result of this funding allocation. 
  • $1 million for Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) Trail and Sidewalk Maintenance for trails and sidewalks maintained by FCPA that can be implemented as a result of this funding allocation.

Safe Routes to School Funding Match and Speed Display Signs

Additional funding was provided for items that will improve safety:

  • $200,000 (local cash match) which is required to accept $800,000 from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) for Bush Hill Elementary School Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Project (Franconia District). 
  • $100,000 for the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) to purchase speed display signs to aid in driver education and awareness on roads throughout the county.  


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