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Gregg Steverson

Community Workshop on Alternative Trail Connections near Huntley Meadows Park Set for Dec. 4

For Immediate Release
Nov. 26, 2019

Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) is exploring options on potential new trail connections between the Telegraph Road and South Kings Highway corridor and the Richmond Highway corridor in the vicinity of Huntley Meadows Park. FCDOT will hold a community meeting to seek public input on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019,  at 6:30 p.m., in Room 221A/B of the Gerry Hyland (South County) Government Center, 8350 Richmond Highway, Alexandria. The workshop will include an interactive exercise that will allow attendees to draw potential new trail alignments, bike paths and pedestrian connections around the Park and Fort Belvoir.

Huntley Meadows Park Recent Plan Amendments

At its meeting on Feb. 5, 2019, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors amended the Comprehensive Plan to remove a planned bicycle trail and planned minor paved trail from Huntley Meadows Park. With the Plan Amendment adoption, the Board directed staff to begin identifying shared use path and paved trail alternatives around the Park in advance of the Countywide Trails and Bicycle Master Plan update.

Providing Feedback

Public input will be recorded at the meeting on Dec. 4. Community members who cannot attend the meeting may submit feedback by emailing or by submitting written feedback to Bicycle Program, Fairfax County Department of Transportation, 4050 Legato Road, Suite 400, Fairfax, VA 22033. Comments will be accepted through Friday, Dec. 20, 2019.


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