FCDOT conducted a survey on the Managed Parking program for Tysons and Reston. Thank you to the nearly 1,000 individuals who provided feedback. Comments and responses are currently being compiled for analysis by FCDOT staff. Please check back for updates on results and next steps.
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Reston Transit Station Areas and Tysons Urban Center are transforming into an urban landscape, and the FairfaxCounty Comprehensive Plan calls for managed parking in these areas. The end goal is to have on-street parking that serves this new mixed-use development. The long-range plan includes a new public grid streets that includes shorter duration parking and parking space turnover to help support business and economic development.
To better understand the parking needs in these areas, Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) recently conducted a study of on-street parking on Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) maintained roads in Reston Transit Station Areas and Tysons Urban Center. This study focused on assessing demand for parking and how parking is planned, managed, and enforced on public streets.
Managed Parking Study Recommendations
The study found that the County should consider managed curbside features such as timed parking or paid parking on some streets to prevent overparking and to promote parking space turnover on blocks close to Metrorail stations.
Short-term Study Recommendations:
Implement timed or paid parking on streets close to Metrorail stations to promote parking space turnover.
Require developers to provide parking for construction related vehicles.
Address commercial vehicle parking adjacent to businesses.
Evaluate existing parking restrictions and enforcement.
Long-term Study Recommendations:
Develop unified curbside management strategies that can be implemented as new grid streets are constructed and accepted by VDOT as public streets.
Next Steps
In December 2020, the Board Transportation Committee directed FCDOT to continue work on implementation of managed parking. After observing on-street parking conditions for nearly two years, FCDOT asked the community, including local residents, commuters, employees, and retail/restaurant patrons for input on how they use parking in Reston and Tysons. Data collected about parking occupancy, duration and turnover, including spaces within 1/4 mile of Metrorail stations, will help determine future parking plans for these areas.
Surveys and comments were accepted through July 31, 2021. Please note the majority of this project will not be implemented until new grid streets are built and accepted by VDOT, making this a long-range plan.