Department of Cable and Consumer Services - Channel 16

CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
703-324-5930 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 133
Channel 16

Risk and Resiliency: A Discussion About Suicide in Older Adults

Suicide rates have increased in recent years, and older adults are more likely to die by suicide than any other age group. Jane Woods, Chairman of the Suicide Prevention Alliance of Northern Virginia, Carrie Cannon, Prevention Specialist with the Fairfax-Falls Church CSB and Verniecia Bell, a Mental Health Therapist with the Regional Older Adult Facilities Mental Health Support Team, share information on resources that are available to help reverse this trend, and show older adults that there is hope, healing and help in their time of need.


Posted on 1/23/2020

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