Board of Supervisors - Chairman

CONTACT INFORMATION: Office open weekdays 8:30am - 5pm
703-324-2321 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 530
Fairfax, VA 22035
Jeffrey C. McKay

11-24 - COVID-19 Update in Fairfax County

To the Fairfax County Community,

Thanksgiving is just days away and I'm sure many are looking forward to a enjoying their favorite Thanksgiving side dishes with loved ones.

You likely have heard the following message before, either from me or from officials across the country, but I want to take this final opportunity to encourage you to be safe by celebrating the holiday with those in your household. My family and I are taking this advice with a small meal with just my wife and two kids.

Whatever your plans are, you are greatly encouraged to: wear a mask and social distance. COVID-19 spreads through large particles in the air and these are the most effective ways at preventing it. Particularly if you are indoors.

Your care in the following weeks will help to control the rise in cases and keep hospitalizations and deaths down. I understand this is disappointing, but it's the reality we face. Please take care and consider Fairfax County's holiday guidance here. Remember, we are all responsible for keeping our community safe.

As most of you know restrictions on gatherings and businesses are determined in Virginia by the Governor, not your Board of Supervisors. I am in regular communication with Governor Northam and his team about our health metrics. This collaboration has been critical in fighting this virus and will continue to be as we navigate the road ahead.

See below for the full November 24 edition of my newsletter. For COVID-19 resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant