Housing and Community Development - Public Affairs

703-246-5100 TTY 711
3700 Pender Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
Allyson Pearce
Manager, Marketing and Community Outreach

Special Meeting and Public Hearing of the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority set for May 18, 2020

ImageThe Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) will host a public meeting and hearing on Monday, May 18, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. to approve the Second Amendment to the Comprehensive Agreement for Redevelopment of the North Hill Site, which ensures the ongoing viability of this affordable housing and redevelopment project.  Also, Closed Session will be conducted to discuss ongoing litigation – specifically, FCRHA v. Sequeira et al – for which there exists time-sensitive litigation deadlines.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Public Hearing & Resolution 28-20:  Proposed Second Amendment to Comprehensive Agreement for Redevelopment of the North Hill Site
  • Closed Session:  Discussion of FCRHA v. Sequeira, et al., CL-2019-0000246


Meeting Materials:

Resolution 28-20:  Proposed Second Amendment to Comprehensive Agreement for Redevelopment of the North Hill Site:

Public Meeting Access:

Live audio and public testimony of the meeting will be accessible by telephone by dialing 1-877-402-9757, and entering Participant Access Code: 1789207


Audio Recording:

Audio Recording of the Meeting


Providing Testimony for the Public Hearing:

  • Written comments on the proposed Second Amendment to Comprehensive Agreement may be submitted electronically to John.Peters2@fairfaxcounty.gov
  • Residents wishing to speak during the live public hearing are encouraged to contact Steve Knippler by calling 703-246-5161, TTY 711, or by email at Stephen.Knippler@fairfaxcounty.gov to indicate their desire to participate.

Questions about the Public Hearing? Additional information or questions about the public hearing may be directed to Rex Peters at 703-631-0043, TTY 711.


Fairfax County is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in all County programs, services and activities and will provide reasonable accommodations upon request. To request special accommodations call 703-246-5101 or TTY 711.  We are an Equal Housing/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Americans with Disabilities Act     Fair Housing


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