Fairfax County, in cooperation with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, is one of eight local jurisdictions participating in a Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. As part of that process, the county will host a public forum to discuss and receive feedback on a variety of issues pertaining to the development of the Regional Fair Housing Plan.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Participate in this online forum (hosted via Zoom) by computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone, or telephone (Registration is Required)
Fairfax County is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to affirmatively further fair housing. The Regional Fair Housing Plan will fulfill this HUD requirement and aims to increase collaboration, innovation, and effectiveness of strategies to affirmatively further fair housing throughout the metropolitan area. The plan will be completed in 2022.
Come and share your insight and experiences related to:
- Racial and ethnic segregation in access to housing.
- Access to communities with high quality schools, good jobs, and public transportation.
- Fair housing enforcement.
- Housing challenges faced by families with children and voucher holders.
- Access to housing for persons with disabilities.
If you require an accommodation for any type of disability or need language assistance in order to participate in this program, please indicate this on the registration form or contact Justin Wharton at justin.wharton@fairfaxcounty.gov. Three business days advance notice is requested.