The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has accepted and approved the Moving to Work Plan submitted by the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) for fiscal year 2022. HUD’s Moving to Work program was established in 1996 to allow designated public housing authorities to design and test innovative, locally targeted housing and self-sufficiency strategies for low-income families.
The FCRHA provides a continuum of affordable housing, ranging from rental vouchers to moderately priced rental apartments and townhouses, as well as affordable programs for homeownership. Each person or family fits somewhere along this continuum and it is the goal of the FCRHA to help individuals find the right fit based on income and need – helping them progress along the continuum to self-sufficiency.
See the FY 2022 Moving to Work Plan
The FCRHA’s Moving to Work designation has been a critical element in the organization’s ability to continue the work of providing essential access to affordable housing for members of our community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the authorities granted by HUD as a Moving to Work housing authority, the FCRHA has been able to quickly allocate incoming resources and adapt programs and processes to accommodate the constantly changing circumstances relating to the public health crisis. The FCRHA will continue to monitor the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on program participants and make adjustments as conditions require.