Mr. Chairman, part of the Board’s Transportation Priorities Plan includes updates to pedestrian infrastructure along Sunrise Valley Drive. To this end, acquisition of land rights for the project “Sunrise Valley Drive Walkway from Reston Parkway to Soapstone Drive” is underway. This project will improve existing walkways as well as installing missing links of sidewalk along the north side of Sunrise Valley Drive, a length of approximately 1,500 linear feet. The project will enhance pedestrian mobility along Sunrise Valley Drive.
JBG Smith Properties owns one of the parcels impacted by this project and has declined to grant the limited land rights needed to complete the Sunrise Valley Drive Walkway project. Instead, they have requested that the County take full ownership of the small parcel in its entirety. The property owner has offered to gift the land to the County. Acceptance of this small parcel would allow the County to avoid condemnation to complete the Sunrise Valley Drive pedestrian enhancements and would provide the County with land to make one or more small improvements on this open space in the future.
I therefore move that the Board accept and receive a gift of fee simple title from JBG Smith Properties for tax map parcel 017-3-03-0001-E3, whose street address is 11810 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston, VA 20191.