Board of Supervisors - Hunter Mill District

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:30AM-5PM M-F
703-478-0283 TTY 711
1801 Cameron Glen Drive
Reston, VA 20190
Walter L. Alcorn
Hunter Mill District Supervisor

Resources for RELAC Customers

RELAC is a private utility created during the 1960s that provides chilled water for air conditioning services to several hundred residents and a few businesses in clusters and condominiums near Lake Anne. As a private utility it is regulated by the State Corporate Commission. Last December the current operator of RELAC told its customers that it would no longer provide air conditioning services. Since then, individual residents and affected cluster associations have been exploring possible paths forward, and a group has formed to explore continued operation of RELAC under a co-op structure.

As community members face crucial decisions during the coming weeks, Supervisor Alcorn is committed to help whichever direction is chosen. RELAC is a unique system, and there is no government program that is a clear fit to either help continue RELAC, or to help ensure distributed air conditioning services. Below is an initial list of resources provided by Fairfax County and others for RELAC customers, if needed:

Cooling Assistance 
Cooling Assistance is a program designed to help vulnerable Fairfax County residents during the summer months. To be eligible, at least one household member must be: 60 or older, 5 or younger, or disabled according to Social Security, Medicaid or 100% Veteran’s Administration. 
Applications for Cooling Assistance are accepted June 15 to Aug. 15, which includes:

  • Payment of electric bills to operate cooling equipment.
  • Payment of security deposits for electricity to operate cooling equipment for accounts in danger of being disconnected or when a deposit is needed to begin service.
  • Repair of a central air conditioning system or heat pump.
  • Purchase of a whole-house fan, including ceiling or attic fans when there is no other working cooling equipment in the home.
  • Purchase and installation, or self-pick-up, of one air conditioning unit (window or portable) for households when there is no other working cooling equipment in the home.

Home Weatherization Program  
Community Housing Partners (CHP) Weatherization program helps low-income individuals and families reduce energy costs by improving the energy efficiency and health of homes using the federal Weatherization Assistance Program and other funding sources. The program includes energy audits and repairs to home heating and cooling systems, especially for households with elderly residents, individuals with disabilities, and families with children.

Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP)  
PIPP helps Dominion Energy customers manage their electric bills. Your monthly bill amount, or “PIPP Amount,” is based on a percentage of your household income and primary heat source. Dominion Energy Customer Service staff can discuss your account and any existing payment plans to help you determine if you should apply for PIPP. The Dominion Customer Service number is 866-366-4357. You may also receive a paper application from the Fairfax County Department of Family Services by calling 703-324-7500 or apply online

Senior Cool Care Program 
This program provides fans for cooling. Call 703-324-7948 for more information. 

  • Runs from May 1 through Oct. 31.
  • Must be 60 or older.

Legal Services of Northern Virginia  
Program free support to older adults (60 and older) to navigate legal responses or support to have their rental administration provide air or cooling options. Call 703-324-7948 for more information. 


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