Board of Supervisors - Hunter Mill District

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:30AM-5PM M-F
703-478-0283 TTY 711
1801 Cameron Glen Drive
Reston, VA 20190
Walter L. Alcorn
Hunter Mill District Supervisor

Land Use and Zoning

The Hunter Mill District is experiencing rapid growth and redevelopment in many areas directly impacted by the opening of the Metrorail Silver Line. Stay current with proposed land use projects in the district, along with proposed zoning amendments and special projects in the County. 

Once a land use application is "accepted" by the county, it moves through consideration stages for public hearings and comments: the Hunter Mill District Land Use Committee, the County's Planning Commission, and finally, the Board of Supervisors public hearings.

Upcoming Land Use Meetings

Reston Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Virtual Meeting: Monday, September 16, 7:30 p.m.

The next Reston P&Z Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 16 at 7:30 p.m. Use this link to attend and participate. To participate by phone, dial 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 394 379 778#

The committee will be discussing SEA-84-C-024-02: South Lakes Village, LLC. The applicant proposes to amend an existing Special Exception to enable converting a drive-through bank to drive-through restaurant.


Hunter Mill Land Use Committee (HMLUC) Virtual Meeting: Tuesday, September 17, 7:30 p.m.

The next HMLUC Virtual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17 at 7:30 p.m. Use this link to attend and participate. To participate by phone, dial 571-429-5982 and use conference call ID: 976 360 104#

The committee will be discussing RZ-2024-HM-00009: Silverstone Reston Owner, LLC. The applicant proposes to rezone the 22.49-acre property at 10819 LEESBURG PIKE from R-1 to PCC to allow independent senior living facilities to be incorporated into a previously approved assisted living/medical care facility.


For more information, email Mark Goldberg-Foss or call 703-478-5123.

Land Use:  Topics and Resources 

Lake Anne:

Reston Town Center North:


Reston Comprehensive Plan (Updated 2023) 

Fairfax Virtual Assistant