Board of Supervisors - Hunter Mill District

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:30AM-5PM M-F
703-478-0283 TTY 711
1801 Cameron Glen Drive
Reston, VA 20190
Walter L. Alcorn
Hunter Mill District Supervisor

Hunter Mill Board Matters

What is a Board Matter?

Board Matters are documents presented by each member of the Board of Supervisors to introduce and discuss magisterial district issues. Board Matters can include requests for official presentations, information that the Board Member would like to share, requests to county agencies to investigate and/or act and any other issue the supervisor wishes to bring to the attention of his colleagues.

Board Matters Presented by Hunter Mill District Supervisor Alcorn at Board of Supervisors Meetings:

Feb. 4 Board Matter: Fairfax County Board Comments on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Proposed FY 2026 Operating Budget and FY 2026 – 2031 Capital Improvement Program


On January 11, 2025, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) announced the public comment period for the General Manager’s proposed FY 2026 operating budget. Comments will be received through February 10, 2025.

The proposed budget totals $2.6 billion, a seven percent overall increase from FY 2025. The proposed six-year Capital Improvement…

Jan. 14 Board Matter: Silverstone Reston Site Plan Processing


Mr. Chairman, Silverstone Reston Owner, LLC (“Applicant”) is the owner of approximately 22.49 acres west of Leesburg Pike and identified in the Fairfax County tax assessment records as Tax Map Parcel 12-3 ((1)) 004 (the “Subject Property”). The Subject Property is zoned to the R-l District and was previously improved with a single-family dwelling that has since been…

Jan. 14 Board Matter: Recognition of Colonel Jörg Dronia

With Dranesville District Supervisor James Bierman


Better known as the German Armed Forces Command, the Federal Republic of Germany’s Liaison Office for Defense Materiel USA/Canada is headquartered in Reston, Virginia.

The Command represents the interests of the German armed forces and promotes transatlantic cooperation between Germany, the United…

Jan. 14 Board Matter: Recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Vienna Youth Soccer


Vienna Youth Soccer is one of the largest youth soccer clubs in Fairfax County and Northern Virginia. Today, it serves more than 3,500 players annually, providing more than two hundred thousand hours of service in the field every year.

This nonprofit focuses on fostering a deep sense of community through its programming, offering recreational, developmental and…

Jan. 14, 2025 Board Matter: Future of The Crescent Apartments Property in Lake Anne


Preserving and increasing the supply of affordable housing continues to be a high priority in Fairfax County. In March of 2023, the Board of Supervisors doubled its strategic goal to provide a minimum of 10,000 new affordable housing units by 2034. The Department of Housing and Community Development continues to actively investigate the feasibility of development of…

Oct. 8, 2024 Board Matter: Caregivers Awareness Month

With Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik and Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity


November is National Family Caregivers Month, and it is an important opportunity to recognize and honor the dedicated contributions of family caregivers and encourage support and gratitude for all the care they provide.

More than 980,000 Virginians provide…

Oct. 8, 2024 Board Matter: Reston Community Center Preference Poll


The Reston Community Center has completed the annual Preference Poll election for its Board of Governors. The following individuals were elected to serve three-year terms on their…

Oct. 8, 2024 Board Matter: 2024 Hunter Mill District Winter Coat Closet


As winter approaches, there are many children and adults who need warm winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens and scarves.

Once again, we are coming together as a community to help our neighbors in need through the 2024 Hunter Mill District Coat Closet. This annual coat drive is…

July 30, 2024 Board Matter: Recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the W&OD Trail

With Chairman Jeffrey McKay, Dranesville District Supervisor James Bierman and Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik


The Washington and Old Dominion Trail — better known to all as the W&OD — is named after the railroad that traveled along its path, originally connecting Alexandria’s seaport to Falls Church, Vienna, Reston, Herndon, Sterling, Leesburg…

June 25, 2024 Board Matter: Educational Materials for Management of Beavers on Private Property


While scientists cannot know for certain, it’s estimated that there were once 60 to 400 million beavers throughout North America until they were trapped almost to extinction in the 19th century. By the early 1900’s, beavers were believed to be extinct in Virginia, but were reintroduced to the state by the Commission on Game and Inland Fisheries in the 1930’s. Today, they…

April 16, 2024 Board Matter: Tysons Forest Community Task Force Report

With Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik

In July 2023, I announced the creation of a community-led task force to develop recommendations to preserve and enhance a beautiful 65-acre urban forest that follows a stream valley from the Dulles Toll Road to Gosnell Road in the Vienna area. Also known as Tysons Forest, it runs along the Hunter Mill portion of…

April 16, 2024 Board Matter: Fourth Annual Tour de Hunter Mill is Sunday, May 5


Mr. Chairman and colleagues, I am inviting you all to attend the fourth annual Tour De Hunter Mill bike event on Sunday, May 5. There will be two routes for this community bike ride:

Short ride: 16 miles Long ride: 27 miles

There is a route for every ability! Every year, we feature new routes…

April 16, 2024 Board Matter: Proposed Transfer of School Crossing Responsibilities

With Chairman Jeff McKay and Franconia District Supervisors Rodney Lusk

Currently, there are 170 school crossing locations across the county resulting in a total of 340 daily crossings (morning and afternoon). The Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) has 72 crossing guard positions, of which 53 are currently filled. Each crossing is 30 minutes in duration, which…

March 19, 2024 Board Matter: Inventory of Reston Community-Level Services and Infrastructure

As our community approaches the 60th anniversary of the founding of Reston, the time is right to take stock of the community infrastructure that by many accounts, including a recent article in The Economist, has created a very successful community within Fairfax County. Reston currently has several important community organizations that are dedicated to creating a cohesive…

March 19, 2024 Board Matter: Budget Consideration Item, Fairfax County Public Library Collection

Mr. Chairman and colleagues, the Fairfax County Public Library operates 23 library locations with more than 500,000 active cardholders who utilize a collection of approximately two million items including books, eBooks, and audiobooks. Library users visit local branches, or the digital library collection, to pick out items to meet their educational and recreational needs.…

March 19, 2024 Board Matter: Designate May as Older Americans and Adult Abuse Prevention Month

With Chairman Jeff McKay

The 2024 theme for Older Adults Month is “Powered by Connection,” which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on the health and well-being of older adults. Fairfax County has made the ability for our residents to age in place a priority. There are a number of resources available to connect…

March 19, 2024 Board Matter: South Lakes HS Boys Basketball Win First State Championship

Mr. Chairman, I was proud to witness history in the making two weeks ago as the South Lakes High School Boys Basketball Team won its first ever state championship. The Seahawks took home the boys Virginia Class 6 State Championship in what the Washington Post called an “unlikely blowout.” The team won despite having their star junior guard Jordan Scott having a broken thumb…

March 19, 2024 Board Matter: Recognition of 40th Anniversary of Viva Vienna!

This coming Memorial Day weekend will mark the 40th anniversary of Viva Vienna! Hosted by the Rotary Club of Vienna, this popular annual festival celebrates the unity and strength of the Vienna community and honors Memorial Day. Viva Vienna! has grown over the years to become a major fundraiser for the Rotary Club, which each year supports more than 70 local charitable,…

Jan. 23, 2024 Board Matter: Acquisition of JBG Smith Property

Mr. Chairman, part of the Board’s Transportation Priorities Plan includes updates to pedestrian infrastructure along Sunrise Valley Drive. To this end, acquisition of land rights for the project “Sunrise Valley Drive Walkway from Reston Parkway to Soapstone Drive” is underway. This project will improve existing walkways as well as installing missing links of sidewalk along…

Dec. 5, 2023 Board Matter: Authorization for County Staff to Discuss Options for Future of Vienna Water with Town Officials

Joint with Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik


Following informal conversations in the community and with various Town of Vienna officials, the time has come for a more in-depth discussion between staff from Fairfax Water and Town of Vienna officials concerning the future of public water service…

Dec. 5, 2023 Board Matter: Authorization of Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Roger Bacon Drive properties in Reston and the removal of the Brookfield Plan Amendment from the Comprehensive Plan Amendment work program


Chairman, I have two motions related to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program.

My first motion will be to direct staff to evaluate a potential change to the…

Oct. 10, 2023 Board Matter: Reston Community Center 2023 Preference Poll


The Reston Community Center has completed the annual preference poll election for its Board of Governors. The following individuals were elected to serve three-year terms on the Reston Community Center Board of Governors:

Paul Berry William Penniman Vicky Wingert

All three candidates have…

Sept. 26, 2023 Board Matter: Fairfax Hunt Estates CDP/RZ-2022-HM-00025

SEM Fairfax Land Associates, LLC (the “Applicant”) submitted concurrent rezoning and final development plan applications (the “Applications”) for an 8.87-acre property located north of Lake Fairfax Park and identified as Fairfax County Tax Map 18-1 ((1)) 0002 (the “Property”).

These Applications present an opportunity to accomplish the preservation envisioned in…

Sept. 26, 2023 Board Matter: Designate October 2-6, 2023 as Digital Inclusion Week

With Chairman Jeff McKay,Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrityand Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik

Mr. Chairman, Digital Inclusion Week is a national movement supported by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA). This year’s theme is “Building Connected Communities”. Hundreds of localities host and sponsor special events and campaigns to…

Sept. 12, 2023 Board Matter: October 2023 is Cybersecurity Month in Fairfax County


Mister Chairman: Security of cyberspace remains a significant concern. Events that could potentially lead to data loss and/or interruption of county services could occur in many ways. For example, a simple misconfiguration of a system containing sensitive resident records could be exposed to the Internet; a system could be exploited due to software or code vulnerabilities…

Sept. 12, 2023 Board Matter: Request by the Fairfax County School Board to Authorize Concurrent and Expedited Processing of the Site Plan for Neil A. Armstrong Elementary School


The Fairfax County School Board seeks approval of a PRC Plan to permit several building additions and site improvements as part of the major renovation planned at Neil A. Armstrong Elementary School. The school property is identified as Fairfax County Tax Map 11-3-((01))-12 and consists of approximately 14 acres. The property is zoned to the PRC District pursuant to RZ…

Sept. 12, 2023 Request For Information on WISH Center Program

Mr. Chairman, beginning with the conceptual board matter I co-sponsored with Supervisor Lusk on February 11, 2020, the Workforce, Innovation, Skills Hub (aka the WISH Center) in the Franconia District has gone from initial concept to social startup to now a successful connector of community members seeking critical job skills with employers seeking skilled workers. More than 50 individuals are…

Sept. 12, 2023 Board Matter: Request to Expedite Processes Associated with Critical County Facilities in Reston Town Center North

Co-Sponsored by Chairman Jeff McKay

The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for Reston scheduled for public hearing this afternoon contains revised land use and density recommendations for Reston Town Center North. And, as you are aware, a Community Task Force led by former Chairman Kate Hanley is reviewing the proposed public uses on the Reston Town Center North…

July 25, 2023 Board Announcement: Tysons Forest Community Task Force

As the Board is aware, Tysons is planned as Fairfax County’s urban center. Immediately to the west of existing and planned development in the Hunter Mill portion of Tysons is a stream valley that includes Old Courthouse Spring Branch. Also included in this stream valley is Raglan Road Park and other Fairfax County Park Authority property which contain more than 40 acres of forested land. This…

July 25, 2023 Board Matter: Reston Transit Station Area SSPAs and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program


As the Board is aware, we adopted a new Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program in April of this year. In Hunter Mill, there are ten Site-Specific Plan Amendment nominations identified as “Tier 3” reviews and noted together on the work program as the Reston TSA study. These were placed on the work program in a deferred status until completion of the Reston Plan…

July 25, 2023 Board Matter: Recognition of South Lakes High School Women’s Winning Indoor Track and Field State Championships


Mr. Chairman, South Lakes High School Women’s Track and Field Team has several outstanding athletes who had great success during the 2023 indoor and outdoor track season. Their 2023 state championship achievements include:

Winter Indoor Track 4x800 Relay Indoor Track 1000 Meters State Championship Outdoor Track 4x800 Relay

They also earned national…

July 25, 2023: Carryover Consideration for Lake Anne Economic Visioning Project


This past spring the county, with the assistance of its…

July 25, 2023 Board Matter: Carryover Consideration Item for Pre-Development of Permanent Supportive Housing Costs

The development of affordable housing to meet a wide variety of needs in the community continues to be a major challenge that requires…

July 11, 2023 Board Matter: Caliber Developments; Concurrent Processing for RZ 2022-HM-00023


Mr. Chairman, pending rezoning application RZ-2022-HM-00023 is a request from Caliber Developments, L.C. to rezone 1.14 acres of land from the R-1 District to the R-3 District to develop three single-family detached homes at the property located at 1800 Creek Crossing Road. Two years ago, the existing house on this property was proposed for a school use, and that proposal…

May 23, 2023 Reston Station PCA 2009-HM-019-03 and Reston Row CDPA/FDPA/PCA 2016-HM-035-02 Motion to Authorize a Public Hearing and Motion for Concurrent Processing


Comstock Reston Station Holdings, LC together with its affiliates (“Comstock”) is the long-term ground lessee of the Fairfax County-owned parcels located…

May 23, 2023 Board Matter: Letter for the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s FY 2024-2029 Six-Year Improvement Program


Mister Chairman and Members of the Board, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) is currently developing its FY 2024-2029 Six Year Improvement Program (SYIP). This year’s SYIP…

May 9, 2023 Board Matter: Recognition of Larry Butler’s 40 Year Career With Reston Association


Mr. Chairman, Larry Butler, Chief Operating Officer for the Reston Association (RA) and one of the association’s longest-serving employees has announced his retirement effective June 23. During his more than 40-year career at RA he has become a part of the…

May 9, 2023 Board Matter: Use of the Fairfax County Health Care Advisory Board by the Town of Vienna


On March 27, 2023, the Vienna Town Council requested initiation of negotiations between the Town of Vienna and Fairfax County that, if successful, would result in a memorandum of…

April 11, 2023 Board Matter: Recognition of Reston Community Players Winning 13 Washington Area Theatre Community Honors Awards


Chairman, I am very proud to announce that on March 19, the Reston Community Players received 13 Washington Area Theatre Community Honors Awards​​, also known as the WATCH awards.…

April 11, 2023 Board Matter: Recognition of South Lakes High School JROTC Winning 1st Place in the Armed Division at the Army’s JROTC Regional Best of the Best Drill Competition

April 11, 2023 Board Matter: Support of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s Grant Applications for the Federal Transit Administration’s Low or No Emission Grant Program and Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Grant Program for Electrific


Similar to the Board of Supervisors goal of converting the Fairfax Connector bus fleet to zero emissions vehicles by 2035, the Washington Metropolitan Area…

April 11, 2023 Board Matter: Bike to Work Day May 19

Joint with Chairman Jeff McKay and Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik


Mr. Chairman, less than two weeks after the upcoming Tour de Hunter Mill is another great cycling event, Bike To Work Day, which takes place on Friday, May 19. Fairfax County, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation,…

March 21, 2023 Board Matter: Third Annual Tour De Hunter Mill is Sunday, May 7

Mr. Chairman and colleagues, I am inviting you to attend the Third Annual Tour De Hunter
Mill Bike Event on Sunday, May 7. There will be three routes:

Family Ride: 5.9 miles Short Ride: 15.5 miles Long Ride: 29 miles

There is a route for every ability! This year’s ride will begin at the Reston Community Center
in Hunters Woods and take…

March 21, 2023 Board Matter: Recognition of James Madison High School Girls Basketball Team Winning State Championship

Joint with Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik and Sully District Supervisor Kathy Smith

Mr. Chairman, James Madison High School has had a notable number of state championships,
but the Girls Basketball Team has become – and this is the term used in the sports world – a
high school sports dynasty. Under the leadership of Coach Kirsten…

March 7, 2023 Joint Board Matter: Review of Reston Town Center North Redevelopment and Procurement Opportunities

Joint With Chairman Jeff McKay

As the Board is aware, a community task force led by former…

Feb. 21, 2023 Board Matter: Carter Family Cemetery Preservation

Joint With Chairman McKay


Jan. 24, 2023 Board Matter: Reauthorization, Reston Comprehensive Plan


Mr. Chairman, on January 14, 2020, the Board of Supervisors authorized a Comprehensive Plan amendment for Reston to review how the Plan for Reston has been evolving since the adoption of Plan Amendments for the Reston Transit Station Areas in 2014 and for the remainder…

Jan. 24, 2023 Board Matter: Use of Block J for Arts Center in Reston

In July of 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved Proffer Condition Amendment and Development Plan Amendments PCA 86-C-119-07/DPA 86-C-119-03 and 86-C-121-08/DPA 86-C-121-05 and Planned Residential Community Application PCA 86-119-02. Approval of the Proffer Condition Amendment and Development Plan Amendments identified Block J, located near the intersection of Sunset Hills…

Oct. 11, 2022 Board Matter: Cybersecurity Awareness Month


Security of cyberspace remains a significant concern. Events that could potentially lead to data loss and/or interruption of county services could occur in many ways. For example, a…

Oct. 11 Board Matter: Reston Community Center Preference Poll


The Reston Community Center has completed the annual preference poll election for its Board of Governors. The following individuals were elected to serve three-year terms…

Sept. 13, 2022 Board Matter: Recognition of Nate Mook for Humanitarian Efforts


Mr. Chairman and colleagues, I am sure you are aware of World Central Kitchen, the nonprofit founded by renown chef and…

Sept. 13, 2022 Board Matter: Recognition of Barbara Naef


Mr. Chairman, I am sorry to announce that one of outstanding volunteer leaders is stepping down from the History…

Sept. 13, 2022 Board Matter: Special Exception Application and Special Exception Amendment for Trine University


Trine University is a private, nonprofit institution based in Angola, Indiana. They offer programs mostly in the…

Aug. 2, 2022 Board Matter: Concurrent and Expedited Processing for CM Vantage LLC

The applicant, CM Vantage LLC, seeks approval of a Planned Residential Community (PRC)Plan with the Concurrent…

Aug. 2, 2022 Board Matter: Advancing Process for Renaming Lee Highway and Lee-Jackson Memorial Highway

July 19, 2022 Board Matter: Concerning Comments on the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s Proposed Changes to the Commonwealth Mass Transit Fund State Transit Assistance to Localities for WMATA

Mister Chairman and Members of the Board,

The 2020 Transportation Omnibus bill passed by the General Assembly granted the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) the authority to be flexible with the allocation of state…

July 19, 2022 Board Matter: Campus Commons Pedestrian Improvements

Chairman, on Oct. 15, 2019, the Board of Supervisors approved RZ 2017-HM-018 – Campus Commons LLC – to entitle a mixed-use development at the northeast corner of Wiehle Avenue and…

July 18, 2022 Board Matter: Recognizing The 50th Anniversary of the Northern Virginia Handcrafters Guild

June 7, 2022 Board Matter: Review of Enforcement Program for Fair Housing

Joint Board Matter With Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk


It is the policy of Fairfax County to provide housing…

May 24, 2022 Board Matter: Reston Town Center North Public Facilities Community Task Force

At the Board meeting held on April 12, I announced that I would establish a Reston Town Center North Public Facilities Community Task Force (RTCNTF). It will be a community-based task…

April 12, 2022 Board Matter: Transfer of Board-Owned Property to Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority for Bowman Towne Court Development


Increasing the supply of affordable housing throughout Fairfax County is a high priority. Just last month the Board of Supervisors voted to increase the strategic goal of exceeding 10,000 affordable housing units by 2034, and I set a goal for Hunter Mill District of 1,000 units by the end of 2027. The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) recently…

April 12, 2022 Board Matter: Transfer of Board-Owned Property to Fairfax County Development and Housing Authority for Bowman Towne Court Development

Increasing the supply of affordable housing throughout Fairfax County is a high priority. Just last month the Board of Supervisors voted to increase the strategic goal of exceeding…

April 12, 2022 Board Matter: Review Of Current Operational Performance of County and Nonprofit Service Providers in Preventing and Ending Homelessness


On March 31, 2008, the Board of Supervisors adopted a plan to end homelessness in the Fairfax-Falls Church Community. The 10-year plan was developed by a large, diverse committee of…

April 12 Board Matter: Recognition of June as Fatherhood Awareness Month


Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19. Research demonstrates that even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure and, as they grow…

March 22, 2022 Board Matter: Proclamation of Dark Sky Week in Fairfax County, April 22-30, 2022

With Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust

In the United States and Europe, 99% of people live under a light-polluted sky. Globally, it is estimated to be one-third of the…

March 22, 2022 Compiled Board Matters

March 22, 2022 Compiled Board Matters

Please note that edits and amendments may have changed a Board Matterduring the Board discussion, or a matter may be deferred for a later meeting. Information on a specific Board Matter should be directed to the sponsoring Board…

Dec. 7, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Enhancing Pedestrian, Bicycle and Traffic Safety with Technology and Communications

Joint With Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk and Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust



Oct. 19, 2021 Board Matter: Motion for Expedited Processing ServiceSource, Inc. SE-2021-HM-00014

Oct. 5, 2021 Board Matter: Renaming of Southgate Community Center


On May 4, 2021, I introduced a Board Matter requesting that Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) take the lead in reaching out to the community to rename the Southgate Community Center in honor of former Hunter Mill District Supervisor Catherine M. Hudgins. I am pleased to announce that NCS has completed its work on this task. The new name of the center is Cathy…

Oct. 5, 2021 Board Matter: Reston Community Center Preference Poll Results


The Reston Community Center has completed the annual preference poll election for its Board of Governors. The following individuals were elected to serve three-year terms on the Reston Community Center Board of Governors:

Bill Bouie Lisa Ehrhardt Dick Stillson

All three candidates have actively served the community for several…

Oct. 5, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Fairfax County Park Authority Stimulus Funding

Joint With Chairman McKay


Mr. Chairman, throughout the pandemic the amenities of our Fairfax County Park System, including gardens, golf courses, basketball courts, trails and more have provided a much-needed respite and opportunity to enjoy the outdoors for many of our residents. However, the increase in use has taken a toll on these amenities resulting in a…

Sept. 14 Compiled Board Matters, Including Joint With Supervisor Alcorn

Sept. 14 Board Matter: Cornerstones 50th Anniversary

Joint With Chairman Jeff McKay, Supervisor Foust and Supervisor Palchik



Sept. 14, 2021 Board Matter: Motion for Concurrent Processing JACO Acquisition, LLC FDPA 2016-HM-007-5


Akridge is under contract with the owner, Reston Two Co. LLC and submitted an FDPA application for…

Sept. 14, 2021 Board Matter: Campus Commons Wiehle Avenue Study Group Findings

July 27, 2021 Board Matter: Older Decks Structural Safety


Chairman, I have heard homeowners' concerns about the safety of older decks following press reports about deck collapses in our region and beyond.

While the county’s permitting process does an excellent job ensuring that new decks are built structurally sound, years of weather and wear and tear may weaken parts of decks, making them less safe. Deck maintenance…

July 13, 2021 Board Matter: Isaac Newton Square Development, Phase 1 FDP 2018-HM-020 APA Properties No. 6, LP


APA Properties No. 6, LP submitted an FDP application for the roadways and related infrastructure in northern half of the Isaac Newton Square development (Phase 1) in the Wiehle TSA. APA Properties would like to submit a site plan for review for the INS Phase 1 area sooner rather than later. The FDP application is rather straightforward, and the applicant has been working…

July 13, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Recognition of the James Madison High School Boys Baseball Team Winning Virginia Class 6 State Championship

Joint Board Matter with Supervisor Dalia Palchik and Supervisor Kathy L. Smith


Chairman, I am proud to announce that once again this year James Madison High School has a state championship team. This time it is the Boys Baseball Team who defeated Colgan 2-1 on Saturday, June 26 to clinch the championship. It is the baseball team’s first title since 2015 and the…

June 22, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Recognition of Billy Thompson

Joint Board Matter by Supervisor Palchik with Chairman McKay and Supervisor Alcorn

Members of the…

June 8, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Recognition of Jennifer Siciliano

Joint Board Matter by ChairmanMcKay with Supervisor Alcorn, Supervisor Walkinshaw, Supervisor
Smith, Supervisor Storck, Supervisor Gross, Supervisor Palchik, Supervisor Lusk, Supervisor Herrity, and Supervisor Foust

On August 11, Jennifer Siciliano will begin a new appointment with UVA Health, following 14
years with Inova.

Among her many…

May 18, 2021 Joint Board Matter: July 2021 as Latinx Conservation Month

Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik Joint Board Matter withChairman McKay, Supervisor Alcorn,
Supervisor Gross, and Supervisor Storck

Members of the Board,
Fairfax County boasts a culturally rich Latinx and Spanish-speaking community. Defensores de la Cuenca,“Defenders of the Watershed,”a nonprofit dedicated to helping the Latinx community connect with the…

May 18, 2021 Joint Board Matter: 50th Anniversary of the First Performance at the Filene Center

Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust Board Matter with Chairman Jeff McKay and Supervisor Alcorn



May 18, 2021 Board Matter: Recognition of June as Fatherhood Awareness Month

Chairman, research has demonstrated that even from birth,…

May 4, 2021 Joint Board Matter By Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk: Board of Supervisors Endorses and Supports the Adoption of the District of Columbia as 51st state in U.S.

Supervisor Rodney Luck Board Matter with Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross and Supervisor Alcorn

Mr. Chairman—I was greatly honored to represent our Commonwealth on the Metropolitan Council of Governments’ (COG) D.C. Statehood Taskforce.

As this Board is aware, based on the work of the taskforce, COG recently voted unanimously to endorse D.C.…

May 4, 2021 Board Matter: Recognition of the James Madison High School Girls Field Hockey Team Winning Virginia Class 6 State Championship

May 4, 2021 Board Matter: Recognition of Supervisor Catherine (Cathy) Hudgins With Renaming of Southgate Community Center

Mr. Chairman, for two decades, Cathy Hudgins tirelessly served our communities in Hunter Mill District, from 2000 until 2019 when she retired from the Board of Supervisors. She was a community builder…

May 4, 2021 Board Matter: Concerning Comment Letter for the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s FY 2022-2027 Six-Year Improvement Program

April 13, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Route 7 Infrastructure Project and Environmental Impacts

Joint Board Matter With Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust


As the Board is aware, the Rt. 7 widening project is well underway after several years of engineering and planning by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Department of Transportation, Fairfax County Department of Transportation, and many other federal, state and…

April 13, 2021 Board Matter: Inaugural Tour de Hunter Mill


Mr. Chairman, the Hunter Mill District is home to many scenic trails and roadways that are popular…

March 23, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Recognition of Frying Pan Farm Park Manager Yvonne Johnson

Joint Board Matter With Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross


Mr. Chairman, Frying Pan Farm Park is one of the jewels of the Fairfax County Park…

March 9, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Endorsement of the Department of Transportation’s (FCDOT) Application for Funding through the FY 2021 Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant Program

Joint Board Matter with Chairman Jeffrey C. McKay, Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck and Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk


The Department of Transportation (FCDOT) is seeking the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors’ support for an application for funding through the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Infrastructure for Rebuilding…

March 9, 2021 Board Matter: Recognition of South Lakes High School Boys Indoor Track Team Winning Virginia Class 6 State Championship


Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to announce that the South Lakes High School Boys Indoor Track Team won the Virginia Class 6 Indoor State Championships in Virginia Beach on March 1. In addition, South Lakes team members set personal records in the 500 meters and Triple Jump track events. On the way to the state championship, the boys team defended their regional title for a…

March 9, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Recognition of James Madison High School Girls Basketball Team Winning Virginia Class 6 State Championship

Joint Board Matter with Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik and Sully District Supervisor Kathy L. Smith


Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to announce that the James Madison High School Girls Basketball Team won the Virginia Class 6 championship at the end of February. This is especially noteworthy since the team was not able to play their championship game…

Feb. 9, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Fairfax County Covid Vaccination Program: Providing Additional Transparency

Joint Board Matter With Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust


Mr. Chairman, the Fairfax County Health Department has established an excellent process for delivering vaccines to county residents based on priorities established by the state. Unfortunately, to date we have not been able to obtain the…

Jan. 26, 2021 Supervisor Herrity Joint Board Matter: 2021 Fairfax County Annual Teen Job and Opportunity Fairs

Springfield District joint Board Matter with all membersof Board of Supervisors

Mr. Chairman, my office, Fairfax County Public Schools and Connection Newspapers, along with Supervisors’ offices, businesses, and community organizations including our local chambers, have hosted very successful teen job fairs and career-building workshops for the past few years. These events focused on…

Jan. 26, 2021 Board Matter: RZ 2019-HM-011 Public Hearing Deferred

Sakthivel Chinnasamy and Nandakumar Sreenivasan


There was a public…

Jan. 26, 2021 Board Matter: Reston’s Designation as Top Place in U.S. to Work From Home


Mr. Chairman, Reston is one of the jewels of Fairfax County and Virginia. Restonians – and I am one – are particularly proud of our history, community engagement, green spaces, diversity, and public amenities. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to note that Money magazine has designated Reston as number 1 in the country in it’s ...

Jan. 26, 2021 Joint Board Matter: Review of Lighting Infrastructure

Joint Board Matter with Lee District Supervisor Rodney Luck and Sully District Supervisor Kathy Smith


On Jan. 28, 2020 the Board approved a joint motion of Supervisor Lusk and me on a pedestrian and bicycle safety initiative focusing on the ActiveFairfax planning process. As ActiveFairfax moves forward to facilitate additional opportunities for our residents to…

Dec. 1, 2020 Board Matter: Comment on Commonwealth Transportation Board’s 2020 Fall Transportation Meetings


This year, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s FY 2020-2022…

Oct. 20, 2020 Board Matter: Reston Community Center Preference Poll


The Reston Community Center has completed the annual preference poll election for its Board of Governors. The following individuals were elected to serve three-year terms on the Reston Community Center Board of Governors:

Vicky Wingert

Bill Keefe

Bill Penniman

All three candidates are incumbents who have actively served the community…

Oct. 6, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Request for Additional Public Input Opportunities for 495 NEXT Project

Joint Board Matter With Chairman McKay and Supervisors Foust and Palchik

Our offices have heard from numerous residents who have expressed concerns with how few public meetings have been held to discuss the 495 Express Lanes Northern Extension, or NEXT, project.

Recognizing that COVID-19 has made public meetings difficult, we still believe there are ample means to collect…

July 14, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Request for Staff Regarding Coordinated Services Planning – 222 Number

Joint Board Matter With Supervisors Foust, Smith and Palchik

Background:Mr. Chairman, the County’s Health and Human Services Department (HHS) operates a Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) phone number (703-222-0880) which is referred to as the “222 number.” The 222 number provides the public with a single point of access for referral for many critical services including emergency…

July 14, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Approving Workforce Dwelling Unit Task Force Recommendations

Joint Board Matter With Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust

BACKGROUND: Mr. Chairman, the Workforce Dwelling Unit (WDU) Policy (“Policy”) is one of many tools Fairfax County uses to provide affordable and workforce housing for our residents. The Policy is adopted as an Appendix to the Housing element of the Policy Plan within the Comprehensive Plan and is administered by the…

July 14, 2020 Board Matter: Child Care Services: Supporting FCPS Efforts to Reopen Schools

Joint Board Matter With Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust

Background: Because of COVID-19, the Fairfax County Public Schools School Board and the School Superintendent are going through the excruciatingly difficult task of determining how educational services will be delivered to 189,000 students this fall. The decisions they make will have huge impacts on students, their…

July 14, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Request to Review 9-1-1 Dispatch and Response System to Enhance Diversion First Strategies

Joint Board Matter With Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk

Mr. Chairman – Our county is in the midst of a dialogue aimed at increasing both the effectiveness, as well as transparency of law enforcement activities within our community.

The challenges before us are too complex, and far too pervasive for any single…

June 23, 2020 Joint Board Matter Honoring Town of Vienna Mayor Laurie DiRocco

June 23, 2020

Joint Board Matter With Chairman Jeff McKay

Earlier this year, Town of Vienna Mayor Laurie DiRocco announced that she would not seek re-election for a 4th term in June. Mayor DiRocco’s current term will end on June 30, 2020.

Mayor DiRocco first joined the Vienna Town Council in 2009, following six years of serving on the Town of Vienna’s Planning Commission and the…

June 23, 2020 Joint Board Matter Request to Inventory Confederate Names of County Property

June 23, 2020

Joint Board Matter With Providence District Supervisor Dalia Palchik


Mr. Chairman, today Supervisor Alcorn and I are requesting a report listing a full inventory of Confederate names of public places in Fairfax County, including: monuments, street names, RECenters, parks, county buildings, and other county properties. Fairfax County residents stand together with…

March 10 Joint Board Matter: Affordable Housing Status Update Request

Feb. 25, 2020 Board Matter: Comments on Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)'s Proposed FY 2021 Operating Budget and Related Service and Fare Proposals


WMATA's proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 operating budget totals $2.09 billion. It includes a base operating budget that is within the mandated 3% subsidy growth cap, with the exception of excluded items per the enacted legislation. The FY 2021 proposed budget adds hours to keep Metrorail open later and increases the frequency of trains on Sundays. The proposal also makes…

Feb. 11, 2020 Board Matter: Exploring Benefits of Emerging Technologies

Mr. Chairman, with the continued acceleration of technology advancement many counties and other local governments across the country are pursuing “smart community” strategies to make government service delivery more efficient and improve quality of life for residents.

One example of our leadership in this area has been in the development and application of GIS (geographic information…

Feb. 11, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Town of Vienna Fee Waiver

Joint Board Matter With Chairman Jeff McKay

With Board approval, we are requesting a waiver of all county building and inspection fees applicable to the Vienna Police Facility Construction Project.

The Town of Vienna is currently in the process of designing a new police facility.This new building will provide the opportunity for the Town to place all their police functions…

Feb. 11, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Recognition of James Madison High School Marching Band's State Championship Achievement

Jan. 28, 2020 Joint Board Matter: Countywide Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Initiative

Joint Board Matter With Lee District Supervisor Rodney Lusk

Mr. Chairman, today Supervisor Lusk and I are bringing to the Board’s attention a rather daunting and long-term challenge that has been an area of increasing focus during the past decade – how to make Fairfax County safer for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The commitment of Fairfax County to address this is clear,…

Jan. 14, 2020 Board Matter: Initiating a public participation process and authorizing an amendment to the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan for Reston

Compiled Board Of Supervisors Board Matters, including Joint with Supervisor Alcorn 

Sept. 14, 2021 

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