APA Properties No. 6, LP submitted an FDP application for the roadways and related infrastructure in northern half of the Isaac Newton Square development (Phase 1) in the Wiehle TSA. APA Properties would like to submit a site plan for review for the INS Phase 1 area sooner rather than later. The FDP application is rather straightforward, and the applicant has been working with staff to address staff comments during the FDP review.
The Planning Commission public hearing is scheduled for September 22, 2021 for FDP 2018-HM-020, and the applicant is requesting concurrent site plan processing.
I move that the Board of Supervisors approve concurrent site plan processing for FDP 2018-HM-020.
This motion should not be construed as a favorable recommendation by the Board on the proposed applications and does not relieve the Applicant from compliance with the provisions of applicable ordinances, regulations, or adopted standards in any way.