On Oct. 15, 2019, the Board of Supervisors approved RZ 2017-HM-018 – Campus Commons LLC – to entitle a mixed-use development at the northeast corner of Wiehle Avenue and Sunrise Valley Drive. As part of this application, the developer, TF Cornerstone, proffered to provide pedestrian improvements for a crossing of Wiehle Avenue at the eastbound Dulles Toll Road ramps at the northwest corner of the site. The approved proffer statement is attached (Attachment 1). To provide a public process to identify the preferred crossing alternative, the proffers detail the formation of a group to study three proposed pedestrian overpasses, as well as any alternative crossings identified by the study group. The study group was also to review an evaluation of a separate proposed at-grade crosswalk across Wiehle Avenue. The study group was formed on Dec. 9, 2019 and concluded its work on Aug. 19, 2021, following 15 meetings. The study group included residents of nearby neighborhoods, representatives from local businesses, members of Reston Association and county boards and committees, and community advocates. The study group was supported by staff from the Hunter Mill District Supervisors Office, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and representatives from TF Cornerstone.
The results of the study group’s efforts are also included (Attachment 2). This document, written by the study group, includes a summary of findings along with individual comments and perspectives from members of the study group. Overall, the study group findings included:
A unanimous rejection of the three overpass options proffered by the applicant, and
Unanimous support of an alternative crossing option
Following receipt of the study group’s recommendations, in accordance with Proffer 25, the Board has 12 months to determine the appropriate pedestrian crossing option for this location which could include one of the three overpass options proposed and to be funded by the developer or a cash contribution of $1,650,000 to facilitate an alternative crossing option.
The Board is also tasked, in accordance with Proffer 27, with determining whether an at-grade crossing of Wiehle Avenue at the Dulles Toll Road eastbound ramps should be provided by the developer independent of the grade-separated crossing options.
Mr. Chairman, I offer the following motions:
I move that the Board of Supervisors accept the findings of the Wiehle Avenue Study Group for review in its consideration and determination of the most appropriate pedestrian crossing option at the intersection of Wiehle Avenue and the Dulles Toll Road eastbound ramps in accordance with the approved proffer statement for RZ 2017-HM-018.
I further move that staff move forward with the planned study of the Wiehle Avenue corridor between Sunrise Valley Drive and the Washington & Old Dominion Trail to evaluate opportunities to improve multimodal access and mobility. This study was previously requested by the Board in 2019 and is already scheduled to be fully funded.
Wiehle Avenue Study Group Report