Board of Supervisors - Hunter Mill District

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:30AM-5PM M-F
703-478-0283 TTY 711
1801 Cameron Glen Drive
Reston, VA 20190
Walter L. Alcorn
Hunter Mill District Supervisor

Dec. 5, 2023 Board Matter: Authorization of Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Roger Bacon Drive properties in Reston and the removal of the Brookfield Plan Amendment from the Comprehensive Plan Amendment work program


Chairman, I have two motions related to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program.

My first motion will be to direct staff to evaluate a potential change to the Comprehensive Plan guidance for parcels located along Roger Bacon Drive in Reston, within the Wiehle TOD North District of the Wiehle-Reston East Transit Station Area approximately, a half-mile from the Metrorail Station. The Comprehensive Plan recommendations for this district envision a pedestrian oriented environment with mid-and-high-rise buildings with a mix of uses and ground level retail up to a 1.5 FAR. The parcels along Roger Bacon Drive are developed with two mid-rise office buildings, a commercial condo building with 23 units, and three free-standing restaurants, and are all served with surface parking.

To better achieve the vision for this area and to create additional opportunities for housing within walking distance to the Wiehle-Reston East Metrorail and the W&OD Trail, there is an opportunity to evaluate the Plan and consider residential mixed-use up for the parcel located at 11260 Roger Bacon Drive. This parcel is developed with a five-story office building constructed in 1980 with surface parking, and this Plan amendment would consider a residential mixed-use building with approximately 275 units and 3,000 square feet of ground floor retail. This evaluation should also include parcels to the east and south along Roger Bacon Drive and Michael Faraday Court for a coordinated analysis of potential impacts and to achieve an interconnected street network linking Roger Bacon Drive, Michael Faraday Court, and potentially Lake Fairfax Business Park. The addition of this Plan Amendment to the work program was coordinated with staff and it did not raise issues with staff resources.

My second motion is related to the Brookfield Plan amendment (SSPA 2023-III-7UP) that was authorized by the Board on April 11, 2023 as a Tier 3 item on the Work Program. My motion will remove consideration of this plan amendment from the work program. Review of this area could be considered during the next Site-Specific Plan Amendment nomination period if a nomination is received at that time.

First Motion:

Therefore Mr. Chairman, I move that the Board of Supervisors direct staff to consider a Comprehensive Plan amendment to consider residential mixed-use up to 2.5 FAR for Tax Map 17-4 ((15)) 2. This Plan amendment should consider a planned grid of streets linking Roger Bacon Drive, Michael Faraday Court, and Lake Fairfax Business Center, and therefore include the following parcels: Tax Map 17 – 4 ((16)) 1 – 23; 17-4 ((15)) 4, 17-4 ((15)) (5) 1, 3A, 4 and A; 18-3 ((5)) 7, 7A, 8B and G. Additionally, the analysis of the impacts will be considered in coordination with the proposed Plan amendment for Lake Fairfax Business Center. The proposal should also prioritize increased connectivity to the Wiehle-Reston East Metrorail Station and the W&OD Trail, consider adopted watershed plans, and ensure the preservation of the existing Resource Protection Area (RPA) adjacent to Lake Fairfax Park. This Plan amendment should be identified as a Tier 1 priority item on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program.

Second Motion:

I move that the Board of Supervisors remove the Brookfield Plan amendment (SSPA 2023-III-7UP) from the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program.

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