Co-Sponsored by Chairman Jeff McKay
The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for Reston scheduled for public hearing this afternoon contains revised land use and density recommendations for Reston Town Center North. And, as you are aware, a Community Task Force led by former Chairman Kate Hanley is reviewing the proposed public uses on the Reston Town Center North site and is expected to make its recommendations this fall. Therefore, it is time for the County to move forward on the required development plans for the site and on the real estate exchange agreement with Inova.
One of the most critical public facilities in the Reston Town Center North is the replacement for the outdated Embry Rucker Shelter which was built in partnership with the community in 1986. The existing outdated 10,500 square foot emergency shelter which houses both families and single adults is planned to be upgraded. It will also be enlarged with a new facility that is planned to include medical beds, day-use services for training and workforce development and permanent supportive housing units in direct support of the County’s One Fairfax Policy.
The other critically needed public facility in Reston Town Center North is the replacement of the Reston Regional Library. As recently noted by the County Executive, this library has numerous critical systems that are nearing the end of their operational lives, and the timing for the replacement of this popular County facility is also becoming critical.
Therefore, Mr. Chairman I move that the Board direct the County Executive to move forward on an expedited basis on the real estate exchange agreement with INOVA and the associated zoning actions, and on the design, entitlements and construction of the new Embry Rucker Shelter and Supportive Housing project and the Reston Regional Library consistent with size and scope of those public facilities presented by staff to the RTCN Task Force. I further move that the staff provide to the Board by the end of 2023 its strategy and timeline for such actions, including coordination with the County’s Health and Human Services System and the public outreach and engagement plan.