Reports are released periodically by the Office of the Independent Police Auditor (OIPA):
- Individual "incident" reports for each FCPD investigation reviewed and monitored by the Independent Police Auditor.
- Summary memos on incidents subject of complaints that meet certain criteria.
- Annual reports summarizing OIPA activities and recommendations on FCPD policies, training, and practices.
- Additional reports, as needed, on relevant issues examined by the Auditor, which may include FCPD policy recommendations or data review findings.
Summary Memo: Non-Use of Force Incident Review (IPA-24-14)
Incident Report: Sept. 25, 2023: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-23-19)
Incident Report: Dec. 21, 2023: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-23-28)
Incident Report: Mar. 1, 2023: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-23-17)
Incident Report: Sept. 13, 2023: In-Custody Death (IPA-23-18)
**Disclaimer: Harsh language is quoted in the report.
Incident Report: Oct. 6, 2022: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-22-11)
Incident Report: Nov. 10, 2022: In-Custody Death (IPA-22-12)
Incident Report: Aug. 2, 2022: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-22-10)
Summary Memo: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-23-12)
Incident Report: June 30, 2022: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-22-07)**
Incident Report: July 9, 2022: Use of Force Complaint - Pointed Firearms (IPA-22-09)**
Incident Report: Jan. 4, 2022: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-22-01)**
Incident Report: Feb. 15, 2022: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-22-02)
Incident Report: Dec. 17, 2022: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-23-27)
Incident Report: Mar. 15, 2021: Use of Force Complaint - Assault Allegation (IPA-23-03)
Memorandum: Nov. 14, 2021: Non-Use of Force Incident Review (IPA-22-05)
Incident Report: July 19, 2021: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-21-03)
Incident Report: Jan. 18, 2021: Use of Force Complaint - Takedown (IPA-21-04)
Incident Report: Jan. 28, 2020: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-20-02)
Incident Report: Dec. 17, 2020: Officer-Involved Shooting (IPA-20-10)
Incident Report: June 5, 2020: Use of Force - Deployment of Electronic Control Device (IPA-20-05)
Incident Report: Nov. 23, 2020: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-21-02)
Incident Report: May 27, 2020: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-20-06)
Memorandum: Nov. 10, 2020: Non-Use of Force Incident Review (IPA-20-09)
Incident Report: December 4, 2019: Use of Force - Serious Injury (IPA-19-08)
Incident Report: June 7, 2019 Use of Force Complaint (IPA-21-01)
Incident Report: October 21, 2019: Officer Involved Shooting (IPA-19-07)
Incident Report: April 25, 2019: Use of Force - Takedown (IPA-19-04)
Incident Report: October 25, 2019: Use of Force Complaint (IPA-20-03)
Incident Report: October 20, 2019: Death/Serious Injury IAB Investigation (IPA-20-01)
Incident Report: June 25, 2019: Officer Involved Shooting-Domesticated Animal (IPA-19-05)
Incident Report: July 20, 2019: Use of Force - Choke (IPA-19-06)
Incident Report: June 11, 2019: Use of Force Complaint - Brandished Weapons
Incident Report: April 28, 2019: Use of Force Complaint - Assault
Incident Report: July 8, 2019: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: Nov. 6, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: July 26, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: Sept. 27, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: July 28, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: June 3, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Memo: Aug. 31, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: May 26, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: July 6, 2018: Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: June 26, 2018: In-Custody Death
Incident Report: June 2, 2018 Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: May 4, 2018 Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: Oct. 24, 2017 Officer Involved Shooting-Domesticated Animal
Incident Report: Oct. 28, 2017 Use of Force Takedown
Incident Report: June 23, 2017 Use of Force Complaint
Incident Report: April 16, 2017 Use of Force (Choke) Complaint
Incident Report: June 22, 2017 Use of Precision Immobilization Technique
Incident Report: Jan. 16, 2017 Officer Involved Shooting and ECW Deployment
Incident Report: April 14, 2017 Electronic Control Weapon (ECW) Deployment
2023 Annual Report Presentation to the Safety and Security Committee (6-4-24)
2022 Annual Report Presentation to the Safety and Security Committee (6-13-23)
2021 Annual Report Presentation to the Public Safety Committee (5-17-22)
2020 Annual Report Presentation to the Public Safety Committee (9-28-21)
2019 Annual Report Presentation to the Public Safety Committee (7-21-20)
2018 Annual Report Presentation to the Public Safety Committee (7-9-19)
2017 Annual Report Presentation to the Public Safety Committee (6-26-18)
OIPA Memo: Independent Police Auditor Input on Police Reform Matrix Work Group Action Plan (8-23-23)
OIPA Memo: Independent Police Auditor Input on PERF Recommendations Made to the FCPD (8-23-23)
OIPA Memo: Response to UTSA and Fairfax County Use of Force Community Advisory Committee Recommendations on Use of Force (Published 5-13-22)
OIPA Policy Change Recommendations G.O. 601 (Published 6-10-21)
OIPA Policy Change Recommendations G.O. 203 (Published 5-28-20)
OIPA Policy Change Recommendations G.O. 601 (Published 5-28-20)
OIPA Policy Change Recommendations G.O. 603.4 (Published 5-28-20)
A Review of the Disparity in FCPD Use of Force Incidents by Race in 2016 (Published 3-11-20)
OIPA Policy Change Recommendations G.O. 610.3 (Published 12-11-18)
A Review of the Disparity in FCPD Use of Force Incidents by Race in 2015 (Published 7-25-18)