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Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study

Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study

In April 2021 FCDOT secured a grant through the Transportation Planning Board (TPB) Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) program for the Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study. The study commenced in October 2021 and was conducted by consultants Fehr & Peers and Rhodeside & Harwell. The goal of the study was to assess pedestrian and bicycle facilities and conditions within the Huntington Transit Station Area (TSA) study area, as depicted in the map below, and provided recommendations for improvement. The study was concluded in June 2022 and several of the relevant recommendations were included in the proposed plan text for the Huntington Metrorail Plan Amendment: Plan Amendment SSPA 2021-IV-3MV. The study report can serve as a guide for ways in which to enhance pedestrian and bicycle comfort, safety, and access in the Huntington TSA.

Huntington Metrorail Active Transit Plan

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