
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson

Herndon-Monroe Parking Relocated to New Herndon Garage Beginning April 8, 2019

For Immediate Release
March 29, 2019

Work continues on the Herndon-Monroe Park and Ride  facilities in preparation for the new Herndon Metrorail Station and the arrival of Silver Line Phase 2 service. With construction of the new garage nearing completion, work now begins on the existing parking garage. Effective on or around April 8, 2019, the existing parking garage will close for a period of months in order to make necessary improvements. All parking will be relocated to the new garage on Levels 1, 2 and 3.

New Ridesharing Pickup and Drop-off Relocation Effective April 8

With parking relocated to the new garage, pickup and drop-off locations for ridesharing, including Herndon Monroe Ridesharing graphiccarpooling and slugging will be temporarily relocated to Level 1 of the new garage.

Please reduce speed and use caution when entering and exiting the garage. Pay attention to signs, cones, barricades and pavement markings to navigate the new layout.

Thank you for using caution when entering and exiting the facility and for obeying all posted speed and directional signs.Herndon-Monroe Garage Closing

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