Transportation Alert:
(Update: Nov. 26, 2024) 90% Completion. Construction is anticipated to be completed in Spring 2025. The remaining work includes widening of Wiehle Avenue (5’ each side for future bike lane), pavement rehabilitation, ADA curb ramps, median island modification, 10’ sidewalk/trail on each side, signal modifications, and pavement markings.
W&OD Trail Detour (West Side):
W&OD Trail Detour (East Side):
Sidewalk Closure along Wiehle Avenue (West Side, between Sunset Hills Road and Reston Fire Station)
(Update April 13, 2024) The pedestrian bridge over Wiehle Avenue at the W&OD trail is now in place. This bridge weighs 50 tons, is 147 feet long and 16 feet wide with steel trusses and sits approximately 18 feet above Wiehle Avenue. We expect the bridge to be open for use in mid-June.
(Update April 2, 2024) The construction of Wiehle Avenue at W&OD is approximately 60% completed and on schedule to be finished by early summer of 2024. The pedestrian bridge overpass will be erected on Saturday, April 13, 2024, in the early morning.
Bridge Assembly:
Prior to the erection, the bridge will be delivered in several sections, and assembled onsite, in the parking lot along the north side of the existing business facilities. The assembly work will start on April 2, 2024. This work does not require any pedestrian and/or vehicle detour. Traffic in the parking lot will be managed by delineating the work area by cones as well as by flaggers if two lanes of traffic cannot be maintained in the parking lot.
(Update December 2023) The Wiehle Avenue at W&OD Trail construction is 40% complete and on schedule for project completion in July 2024.
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(Update March 14, 2023) The Wiehle Avenue at W&OD Trail is now in the construction phase and is expected to be completed by early Summer of 2024. The contract for the trail improvements was awarded to Allan Myers VA, Incorporated. Additionally, the adjacent properties were notified of the upcoming trail construction. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on March 9, 2023.
A transportation management plan will be implemented to maintain uninterrupted pedestrian, bike and vehicular traffic during the construction. The plan includes the following:
(Updated May 10, 2022) The relocation of utilities for Wiehle Avenue at W&OD trail project is moving forward as planned. Dominion Energy Virginia (DEV) completed the relocation of their overhead transmission facilities in August 2021. Adjustment of other utility facilities is necessary to accommodate the proposed trail improvements and pedestrian bridge construction over Wiehle Avenue. The relocation of AT&T's line, one of the nine utility facilities to be relocated, was completed on March 21. The relocation date(s) of the remaining utilities will start May 16, 2022.
Throughout the relocation of utility facilities for the trail project, the W&OD Trail will be relocated, and pedestrians will need to use the adjacent paved or gravel trails. The W&OD Trail, within the limits of relocation area, will be detoured during this work. Work areas include the following:
To maintain an uninterrupted pedestrian and bike traffic during the utility relocation:
For more information, please contact Sonia Shahnaj, Project Manager, Fairfax County Department of Transportation, by email at or by calling 703-877-5600.
The relocation of utilities is expected to be completed by July 2022. The construction of the trail project is scheduled to begin in Fall 2022.
(FCDOT) held a design public hearing on Thursday, March 17, 2016, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at the Reston Community Center at Hunter Woods. Public comments were accepted through March 27, 2016.
A new pedestrian bridge is being planned to improve vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian access near the Wiehle-Reston East Metro Station as noted in Reston Metrorail Access Group’s (RMAG) plan.The bridge will be located on the W&OD Trail and extend over Wiehle Avenue replacing the existing at-grade crossing. The new bridge will accommodate both the gravel path and asphalt W&OD Trail at this location. Minor roadway, sidewalk and median modifications will be made to Wiehle Avenue at this location to accommodate the bridge. Several utility relocations will be required for the project site along with the installation of drainage and stormwater management features.
FCDOT ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need this information in an alternate format, contact FCDOT at 703-877-5600, TTY 711.