
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson

What is BRT?

Transit SignalBus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high-quality public transportation system designed to be fast, reliable, and more convenient than traditional bus routes. It operates much like rail service, but uses rubber tire bus vehicles. Key elements of BRT systems often include:

  • Service plans and frequencies that prioritize reliable, frequent, and efficient service.
  • Dedicated lane and traffic signal priority that allow free-flow travel, minimize traffic-related delays, reduce overall travel times, and enhance reliability. 
  • Information technology systems with features such as real-time bus tracking, innovative fare collection, and more.
  • Stations offering enhanced customer experiences, including all-door boarding to improve accessibility, off-board fare collection to expedite boarding, and high-quality pedestrian connectivity to enhance safety and access.
  • Buses designed for improved passenger comfort and additional passenger capacity.

Inside BRT BusThe Richmond Highway BRT system will include not only the addition of dedicated bus lanes, but also the inclusion of enhanced facilities for people walking and biking along the corridor. Improving transit, walking and biking facilities can lead to decreased vehicle traffic. Combined with the road widening taking place as part of Embark Richmond Highway, these improvements should lead to improved vehicle travel times and reduced congestion. The roadway and BRT system are being designed to meet local, state and federal standards for efficient traffic flow.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant