(Click on any of the questions or images above to view the ice breaker answers)
In general, people mentioned using a variety of modes (e.g., walk, bike, drive) to get around to various community amenities (e.g., W&OD Trail, Lake Anne, Plaza America, public library), but a lack of adequate infrastructure, such as wider sidewalks, pedestrian-scale lighting, and wayfinding discouraged some from walking and biking.
FCDOT staff then gave a presentation covering common transportation terminology; the background purpose and process for the study; and details from the existing conditions transportation assessment. The slides included examples of streets with trees and dedicated bicycle infrastructure to encourage discussion about possible improvements for the corridor. The audience was given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments during the presentation.
Attendees then broke into eight groups to discuss their vision for the future of Wiehle Avenue.
- Workshop Group 1 Map
- Workshop Group 2 Map
- Workshop Group 3 Map
- Workshop Group 4 Map
- Workshop Group 5 Map
- Workshop Group 6 Map
- Workshop Group 7 Map
- Workshop Group 8 Map
Ideas that were proposed included roundabouts at major intersections, reducing the number of travel lanes, turn lanes and/or lane widths. FCDOT will consolidate the ideas from the workshop into three future concepts (Year 2030) for Wiehle Avenue, and then test each to see how they affect traffic, pedestrian comfort, bicycle stress and access to transit. FCDOT plans to share the results of the analysis at a public meeting in spring 2024.