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Gregg Steverson
Acting Director

TAC Meeting Minutes for December 17, 2013

Meeting Summary

Regular MeetingDecember 17, 2013 at 7:30 PM – FCDOT, 4050 Legato Rd, Fairfax, VA 22033

TAC Members in Attendance: Chairman Jeff Parnes (Sully), Vice Chairman Jenifer Joy Madden (Hunter Mill), Ed. L. Tennyson (At-Large), Kevin Morse (Braddock), Mike Champness (Dranesville), Harry Zimmerman (Lee), Micah Himmel (Providence), and Eric Thiel (Springfield).

TAC Members Absent:  Secretary Roger Hoskin (Mason), Frank Cohn (Mt. Vernon), and Ann Pimley (Fairfax Area Disability Board).

Others in Attendance:  FCDOT staff: Tom Biesiadny, Calvin Lam, Michael Guarino, Caijun Luo, and Brent Riddle.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Parnes at 7:35 p.m. The minutes of the November 19, 2013 were amended with a minor correction, and adopted by voice vote.

Note Taker:  Eric Thiel


Main Topics Discussed

Route 1 Transit Center Study

Michael Guarino and Caijun Luo of the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) presented the status of the ongoing study. The study’s purpose is to trade between locations and designs for a bus transit center on the Route 1 Corridor to enhance bus service for a target year of 2030. A 2011 study progressed to the point of site selection, but could not go forward due to new retail development at the site. In 2013, 15 sites were analyzed, and three sites were selected and presented in the presentation.

Mr. Guarino indicated that one of primary functions of any site will be as a transfer station to consolidate bus routes on Route 1.

Commissioner Zimmerman asked if the study “fits into” other ongoing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and related studies. Mr. Guarino indicated the answer is a qualified yes since the bus routes can be integrated into other activities and routes, but that the stations under consideration here are primarily just for bus transfers along Route 1.

Commissioner Tennyson commented that multiple bus transfers always lose ridership. Mr. Guarino indicated that with the inclusion of a circulator that the system should see increased ridership and that they are coordinating the interconnections with other traffic planners.

Vice-Chair Madden asked if there was a rider density criteria in the study. Mr. Guarino said that local population density was one of the criteria in the study. Other criteria were traffic impacts, land use and environmental considerations, cost, right-of-way, and several other criteria (See briefing page 7) that led to the selection of the top three sites.

TAC members also asked about pedestrian bridges, tunnels, cross-walks, and disabled access. Mr. Guarino indicated that at this stage of the study and preliminary design those details could not yet be addressed.

Vice-Chair Madden asked if the plans were compatible with other Route 1 upgrade plans. Mr. Guarino indicated that the bus sites were compatible, but final design details might be adjusted based on other changes to Route 1.

Commissioner Zimmerman asked if passengers stayed on buses at Site C (one of the three options). Staff indicated that, similar to the other sites, that the answer depended on the details of the specific bus route.

There was a wide ranging discussion of parking and retailer interest at Site B which adjoins a land parcel with a major retailer.

Commissioner Thiel asked about the bus exhaust and proximity to homes and a daycare establishment at Site C. Mr. Guarino indicated that environmental consultants indicated that the issue can be mitigated via “engine off” procedures while buses wait, etc., although Commissioner Tennyson disagreed and indicated that heating and cooling concerns for buses with passengers would require them to run their engines.

Mr. Guarino then presented the details of the three designs at Sites A/B/C. Each has multiple “pro/con” items in their assessments and no site stands out compared to the others.

Vice-Chair Madden asked about bus fuel selection. Mr. Guarino indicated that due to the routes and timelines, current plans called for diesel or LNG as electric options are not viable. Hybrid buses may also be considered.

Mr. Guarino presented a status summary and indicated that public comments had been collected and have led to the decision to modify the plan for Site B to provide some recreational facilities adjacent to the Site.

Commissioner Champness asked about transportation spending funds for parks activities. Staff indicated that while not routine, this was very workable and was usually viewed very positively by federal funding sources.

Mr. Guarino closed the briefing by noting that Site C may be redesigned to support Park and Ride and that funding exists for the design phase, but not yet for construction. The next steps are for design updates, further community outreach, and site selection.

Summary of the Board Transportation Committee meeting on December 17, 2013

Tom Biesiadny, FCDOT Director, presented the results of the Board of Supervisors (BOS) Transportation Committee meeting on December 17, 2013. Mr. Biesiadny stated that the BOS is interested in further exploring the “Focus on Countywide Transportation Dialog” from 2013. Specific interest is in looking at evaluation criteria versus multiple projects and known revenue — projected projects costs exceed existing revenue sources. The BOS would like to select projects for the FY2014-2020 (excluding projects already approved in 2013) based on an updated available funding estimate of $1.4B.

Mr. Biesiadny reviewed the extensive public outreach efforts (public meetings, media, etc.), the 13 criteria used in the project evaluations, differences in review processes and priorities for roadways, transit, and bike/pedestrian projects. There are a total of 167 projects from the unfunded list currently being recommended by FCDOT staff based on the evaluation process. Specifically, there are 7 interchanges, 7 extensions, 12 spot improvements, 20 roadway widenings, 6 transit capital/operating items, and 155 bike/pedestrian projects. Funding includes allocated reserves for both capital and operating activities. Due to the number of projects FCDOT staffs have been working on methods to support the increase in project density and will meet with the BOS in February to present plans and options.

The next steps are a current review by the BOS of the recommended projects, feedback from the BOS to FCDOT in mid-January, and FCDOT presentation of revisions in late January. Funding applications for near term regional funding are due at the end of January.

Vice-Chair Madden asked, on behalf of Ann Pimley, about the safety of disabled people on “round-abouts” which are part of plans under consideration. Mr. Biesiadny indicated that this was a topic staffs were going to look into.

Topics for Future Meetings:

• January 21, 2014: Columbia Pike Street Car Line Progress (and additional possible candidates)
• February 18, 2014: Status of 495 HOT lanes
• March 18, 2014: Route 7 improvements
• April 15, 2014: Legislative Package
• Countywide Transit Network Study – Summer 2014
• CTB Determination of Corridor of Statewide Importance through Loudoun/Prince William Counties
• Comprehensive Plan staff and Planning Commission discussions with TAC on what their vision is for future development and any changes in planning and zoning guidelines that may be needed to account for future work environment given the pace and impacts of technology advances (including guest speaker to explain impact of self-driving/smart cars, buses and trucks on traffic, roadways and intersections).

Feedback on Previous Meeting’s Presentation

The Commission returned to a conversation of its role in advising the Board of Supervisors (BOS). On June 18, 2013, the BOS passed a resolution endorsing Metro Momentum for planning purposes only. To follow up, Commissioner Madden put together a draft letter to the BOS. The TAC members discussed about the funding issue for Momentum and the information that Mr. Biesiadny shared with the TAC. At the end, the TAC decided not to send the letter and will monitor this subject.

Closing and Adjournment

Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned as 10:15 p.m.

Upcoming Events:

February 4, 2014           10:00 am         Board Transportation Committee Meeting
May 6, 2014                 10:00 am         Board Transportation Committee Meeting

Upcoming Meetings:

January 7, 2014                     7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
January 21, 2014                   7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

February 4, 2014                   7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
February 18, 2014                 7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

March 4, 2014                      7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
March 18, 2014                    7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

April 1, 2014                         7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
April 15, 2014                       7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

May 6, 2014                         7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
May 20, 2014                       7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

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