
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson
Acting Director

TAC Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2014

Meeting Summary

Regular Meeting – August 19, 2014 at 7:30 PM – FCDOT, 4050 Legato Rd, Fairfax, VA 22033

TAC Members in Attendance: Chairman Jeff Parnes (Sully), Vice Chairman Jenifer Joy Madden (Hunter Mill), Secretary Roger Hoskin (Mason), Mike Champness (Dranesville), Micah Himmel (Providence), Kevin Morse (Braddock), Frank Cohn (Mt. Vernon), Harry Zimmerman (Lee), and Eric Thiel (Springfield).

TAC Members in Abstance: Ann Pimley (Fairfax Area Disability Board) who submitted her resignation by email today.

Others in Attendance: FCDOT staff: Calvin Lam and Noelle Dominguez; Ivan Horodyskyj (VDOT)

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Parnes at 7:35 p.m. The minutes of the July 15, 2014 meeting were approved with minor edits.

Note Taker:  Harry Zimmerman


Main Topics Discussed

Wayfinding/Signage in Fairfax County – Ivan Horodyskyj, VDOT

• Mr. Horodyskyj explained the role of the Federal uniform signage standards that apply nationwide and Virginia’s Supplement to those including Virginia’s definition of categories of roadways and how those relates to the provisions of the Supplement.
• Considerations for advance signage evaluate three issues: space for the sign, funding, and standards for such signage.
• Funding is insufficient to address all signage requirements so they focus on primary routes.
• In addition to offering several specific examples of problems TAC suggested:
    o Improved signage at actual intersections with 45mph traffic as a higher priority that warning signs due to poor visibility of some of those signs.
    o Improved quality control on some signs that appear to have the wrong symbolism for the category of road. The Chair invited TAC members to send photos of any inappropriate signs they encounter so he can forward to appropriate reps at FCDOT and VDOT.
    o Look to Montgomery County for good examples
    o Set new priorities for dedicated turn lanes with physical dividers or where traffic backs up to where the street name sign cannot be seen before a driver has to commit to the turn lane
    o Set priority for interchange signage so the driver knows ahead of time whether the second exit ramp will be on the right or left when they get to the other side of the overpass.
    o Think about signage and how it will be seen by people who are not familiar with the area
    o Consider continuing heritage names of specific areas so drivers will know they are in a particular area once they arrive
    o Better advance signage for Metro parking
    o Use young people unfamiliar with driving in the area to test the intuitive value of the existing signage

• Noelle Dominguez explained the proper methods for making recommendations for legislative changes which is a topic that came up relative to pedestrian safety discussions during a prior TAC meeting
• Chair announced he won’t be at September meeting so Vice-chair will preside

TAC and TRAC Summaries:

Goal is a unified position on how the two Commissions should or could interact and their respective roles. Answers to the staff questions will be refined to simplify our response and clarify the distinctions in our perspectives.

Other Business

• Annual TAC Transportation Achievement Award – TAC Subcommittee – The disparities among the nominations begs the need for some guidelines to be published before next round. The committee will provide a draft of such. TAC unanimously agreed with the recommended recipient.
• TAC members have considerable interest in how the County plans and adjusts bus routes and levels of service including planning for support of Silver Line and coordination with WMATA
• Chair expressed appreciation for attendance at Commissioner Tennyson’s funeral
• Bus headways in certain areas were also a topic of interest the Commissioners

Planned Agenda for Next Meeting

• September 16, 2014: Countywide Transit Network Study and Route 1 Multimodal Alternatives Analysis – Tom Burke (FCDOT)
• September 16, 2014: Discussion about the Transit Rider’s Advisory Committee (TRAC) – Dwayne Pelfrey (FCDOT)

Comment & Feedback on Previous Meeting’s Presentation:

• Bike Master Plan – no discussion beyond previous edits to the meeting notes

Topics for Future Meetings:

• October 7, 2014 (Work Session with Trail & Sidewalk Committee): view video – Keynote Address (Video) from Walkable Communities expert Mark Fenton at the County’s Active Transportation Summit
• October 21, 2014: Seven Corners Revitalization Project
• November 18, 2014: Route 7 Core Widening
• December 16, 2014: Comprehensive Plan and Transportation staff and Planning Commission discussions with TAC on what their vision is for future development and any changes in planning and zoning guidelines that may be needed to account for future work environment given the pace and impacts of technology advances (including guest speaker to explain impact of self-driving/smart cars, buses and trucks on traffic, roadways and intersections)
• January 20, 2015: Comprehensive Plan and Transportation staff and Planning Commission discussions with TAC on how planning for areas currently planned for future rail stations reflects the designation of the areas as future rail stations
• February 17, 2015: CTB Determination of Corridor of Statewide Importance through Loudoun/Prince William Counties


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned as 9:45 p.m.

Upcoming Events:

September 16, 2014        10:00 am        Board Transportation Committee Meeting
December 9, 2014           10:00 am        Board Transportation Committee Meeting

Upcoming Meetings:

September 2, 2014               7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
September 16, 2014             7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

October 7, 2014                     7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
October 21, 2014                   7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

November 4, 2014                 7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
November 18, 2014               7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

December 2, 2014                 7:30 pm             TAC Work Session (FCDOT)
December 16, 2014               7:30 pm             TAC Regular Meeting (FCDOT)

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