Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board Alert:
The memory of childhood experience is stored in our bodies, and not just our minds.
Our experiences have a profound impact on who we are and who we will become. When children experience traumatic events, it can have lasting effects on their mental health and wellbeing. These events are called Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs.
Studies show that 26% of adults have at least one ACE, while 1 in 8 adults have experienced four or more ACEs. This trauma reliably predicts risks for mental, physical and behavioral health needs in the population; the likelihood of developing chronic diseases and other aliments increases.
In an effort to reduce ACEs and ultimately improve the health of our communities, presenters across Virginia are working to raise awareness through connection and education by empowering resilient, self-healing communities.
What’s predictable is preventable.
This free presentation includes in-depth information about:
Click the link to register: Register
Reasonable accommodations provided upon request; call 703-324-7000.