Are you looking for a way to give back to your local community? Do you have experience with and knowledge about services for persons with disabilities? Then we invite you to consider applying to be part of the Waiver Slot Assignment Committee (WSAC) serving Fairfax County.
The Waiver Slot Assignment Committee, appointed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), determines which individuals are eligible for available IDD Medicaid waiver slots. The committee will be comprised of people with diverse personal and professional backgrounds, as well as varied knowledge and expertise, and appointees will not have a conflict of interest. WSAC will review the needs of individuals applying for a waiver slot and prioritize those with the greatest need for assignment of the available slot(s).
Who can apply?
- Family members of an individual currently receiving services.
- Graduate students studying a human services field (e.g., psychology, social work) or special education.
- University professors of a human services field.
- Member/staff member/board member of an advocacy agency that does not provide any direct services (e.g., Center for Independent Living, local Arc, autism advocacy agency).
- Current special education teachers/transition coordinators.
- Nurses/physicians.
- Retired or former (for over one year) CSB, private provider, or health and human services state employees.
- Clergy members.
Who cannot apply?
Nominated members may not be any person with a direct or indirect interest in the outcome of the proceedings such as:
- Current CSB employees or board members.
- Current employees, owners, or board members of any agency providing waiver services, unless serving on a WSAC in an area in which the provider does not provide services.
- Family members of individuals seeking waiver services.
- DBHDS employees.
What will WSAC members do?
- Participate in training provided by DBHDS.
- Review information presented regarding nominees for vacant waiver slots.
- Hold confidential all information reviewed.
- Participate in meetings to determine the assignment of one or many waiver slots at a time, depending on slot availability. Some meetings may be scheduled as in-person events, requiring travel to the designated meeting location. Others (particularly for the assignment of a single slot) may be arranged as conference calls.
While committee members are technically volunteers, DBHDS will provide stipends for time/travel; $25 - $50 for participating in face-to-face committee meetings which require travel, or $25 for participating in meetings conducted via telephone.
Read the introduction letter to possible WSAC nominees and the parameters for WSAC members for more information.
Interested in volunteering for the Fairfax-Falls Church area committee? Download the application now and submit to Victor Mealy.
Questions? Contact Victor Mealy (703-324-4446).
Contact for news media inquiries: CSB Communications Team, 703-324-7000.