Veterans crisis line
A free, confidential resource that is available to anyone, even if you're not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care.
- to chat online
- 1-800-273-8255 and press 1
- Text 838-255
Virginia Department of Veterans Services
Assists military service members, honorable/dishonorable veterans and their families with resources like health care, employment, education, housing, peer support, and reentry services.
- 1-877-185-1299
- Mobile app: Virginia Veterans
Military One Source
Provides social, educational and psychological resources to military service members, veterans and families.
- 1-800-342-9647
Lock & Talk
Promotes safe and responsible care of guns, medications and other lethal means throughout Fairfax County.
Family Assistance Centers
Supports military families with financial and legal assistance and support groups.
- Warrenton: 540-718-2417
Serving Together
Coordinated network of public, private and nonprofit organizations serving veterans, service members and their families.
- 1-855-738-7176