On September 10, 2024, the Board of Supervisors adopted revisions to the Workforce Dwelling Unit policies contained within the Comprehensive Plan (WDU Policy) and directed staff to revise the associated Countywide and Tysons Urban Center WDU Administrative Policy Guidelines. The Administrative Guidelines serve as the implementation and administrative mechanism for the WDU Policy and address such aspects as integration and dispersion of WDUs within a development; technical requirements for the units; WDU sale, resale, and rental requirements; and legal documentation for commitment of the WDUs. The proposed revisions to the Administrative Guidelines incorporate and provide additional guidance on the recently adopted WDU Policy changes and make additional changes. If adopted by the Board, they would replace the current Administrative Guidelines, adopted February 23, 2021.
View Draft Revisions to the WDU Administrative Policy Guidelines
Public Comments are Welcome
The Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development welcomes comments and feedback on the draft report from members of the community.
Virtual information sessions will be held on the revised Administrative Guidelines:
Slide Presentation: Summary of the Draft WDU Administration Policy Revisions
Friday, November 1, 2024, at 12:00PM
Virtual Meeting - MS Teams
Meeting ID: 218 987 979 565 – Passcode: Bq6tc2
Call In Number: +1 571-429-5982,,305325352# or Find a local number - Phone conference ID: 305 325 352#
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 11:00AM
Virtual Meeting - MS Teams
Meeting ID: 267 985 521 55 - Passcode: LfNVgx
Call In Number: +1 571-429-5982,,860907299# or Find a local number - Phone conference ID: 860 907 299#
To request language interpretation, call 703-324-1379, TTY 711.
The public review and comment period will run from Wednesday, October 23, 2024, through Thursday, November 21, 2024. Comments may be submitted in the following ways: