Kids and teens can get ready for the upcoming golf season with classes and discounts from Golf Fairfax. Golf Fairfax is committed to the development of young golfers in a game that encourages good manners, builds friendships and can make for a lifetime of enjoyment. Junior golfers can enjoy Golf Fairfax discounts and instruction programs all year long:
At the Range: Junior golfers can buy any-sized bucket and get one small bucket free at Burke Lake and Oakmont Golf Centers (limit one per day).
On the Green: Junior golfers ages 5 to 17 can enjoy 35% off regular weekday greens fees (holidays excluded) at Burke Lake, Greendale, Jefferson, Oakmont, Pinecrest and Twin Lakes; and at Laurel Hill after 12 p.m. every day.
Golf Instruction: Golf Fairfax offers a variety of ways for junior golfers of varying ages to learn and improve. Group classes or private lessons are available at Burke Lake, Laurel Hill, Oakmont, Pinecrest and Twin Lakes. Starting New at Golf (SNAG) course teaches junior golfers ages 5 to 8 the basics of the game in a modified form using larger and colorful clubs to increase confidence and coordination. Junior Get Golf Ready and Get Golf Ready Parent/Child are perfect for new and learning juniors and families, who want to get into the game.
Register for spring golf classes
First Tee Experience: Golf Fairfax partners with The First Tee of Greater Washington, DC, to offer The First Tee Life Skills Experience classes and camps at Laurel Hill Golf Club, Oakmont Golf Center and Twin Lakes Golf Course. Registration closes on March 1 for spring session. Classes are held March 14 through April 18. This six-week program teaches kids and teens golf mechanics through engaging drills and fun games. For more information, visit the First Tee Experience webpage.
Youth On Course: Golf Fairfax’s partnership with Youth on Course and the Virginia State Golf Association provides access to life-changing opportunities for junior golfers ages 6 to 18. Burke Lake and Oakmont Golf centers now offer Youth on Course members a round of golf (nine holes at Oakmont, nine or 18 at Burke Lake) for $5, Monday-Thursday after 12 p.m. and Friday-Sunday after 2 p.m. For more information, visit the Youth on Course webpage.
To learn more about all of the Junior Golf classes, discount and programs Golf Fairfax has to offer, visit the Junior Golf webpage.