Park Authority

CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
703-324-8571 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Pkwy.
Fairfax, Virginia 22035
Emilie Shumate
Youth Services Section Manager

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2025 Spring and Summer Camps Registration: Now Open

2025 Spring Class Registration Underway.

ready set go 2025 spring summer camps

Spring/Summer Camp Guide  |  Parent Handbook

Go: Register for Camp

Registration for 2025 spring and summer camps is open! All the amazing experiences at ALL camp locations this spring and summer sit at your fingertips.

Use the following resources to help find open spots:

Please note that waitlists for camps will open on Thursday, May 1 at 10 a.m. This helps FCPA optimize the process for filling camps.

Camp Search

Already registered for camp, here are your next steps.

  1. Download and read the Parent Handbook
  2. Complete the forms (Code of Conduct; Emergency Information & Agreement; Pick Up Authorization) at the end of the Parent Handbook and bring them the first day of camp.
  3. Need to bring medication to camp? Download the Medical Authorization Forms and bring them to first day of camp. One form per camper. 
  4. FCPA welcomes campers of all abilities, backgrounds and experiences. Please let us know if your child has any emotional or behavioral challenges as well as any intellectual or physical disabilities.  
    • Email with your specific needs or fill out the Request Accommodations form online in advance of the camp start date.  
    • If the request is less than 10 days before the start date, FCPA will attempt to provide services; however, we cannot guarantee your accommodation request will be fulfilled.
  5. Host-a-Coach Program: We are looking for families who would like to host an international soccer coach for a week during the summer. Host families earn a free week of camp.
  6. Check to see if your camp is licensed: Some camps are licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services that require additional paperwork such as immunization record and proof of child’s identity.

  • All cancellations/transfers/refunds/credits require 14 days advance notice of the camp you are cancelling.
  • Camp cancellations may be done online through your house account. There is a $25 cancellation fee applied to all refunds.
  • If you cancel your camp within 13 days of the start of camp, you will NOT receive money back, but the system will allow you to drop out.
  • Transfers may not be done online. If you wish to transfer from one camp to another, you can avoid the cancellation fee by contacting the registration desk (703-222-4664) to process the change. Transfers require 14 days advance notice for the camp you are withdrawing from. Transfers cannot be done within 13 days of the start of a camp.
  • You can request a refund or transfer 14 days in advance by emailing us at
  • There are no refunds or credits for missed days due to work/vacation schedules, sick days or other non-emergency reasons.
  • Within 14 days of the start of a camp session, refunds are only approved for medical emergencies with a doctor's note if it is received before the camp ends.
  • If a medical emergency occurs during camp, a doctor's note is required within 24 hours for a pro-rated refund. Requests received after the camp session ends will not be granted.

Camp Registration FAQs

Waitlists for Spring camps will be available the day after registration at 10 a.m. 
Spring camps will be in session March 1-May 31.

Waitlists for Summer camps will be available May 1 at 10 a.m.
Summer camps will be in session June 1-August 29.

Using the online registration system to search and register for camps is the best option. Please use the online registration system if you have access and the ability to use it. You also can register by mail, fax (703-631-2004) or phone (703-222-4664 Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.). Use the registration form found at the back of Parktakes to FCPA/Parktakes, P.O. Box 4606, Fairfax VA 22038.


Registration for Spring classes starts Tuesday, February 11 at 9 a.m. online, by mail, fax (703-631-2004) or phone (703-222-4664, Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.). Use the registration form found at the back of Parktakes to FCPA/Parktakes, P.O. Box 4606, Fairfax VA 22038.

Please check the camp website for the most updated information and contact the camps team at if you have any additional questions. 

At the conclusion of the 2024 camp season, the Rec-PAC (Pretty Awesome Children) program and Camp Fairfax (managed by Fairfax County’s Neighborhood and Community Services) were consolidated into one program. This change maximizes the resources and expertise from both organizations to provide a cohesive and comprehensive experience for Fairfax County families. Beginning in summer 2025, campers from both programs will be welcomed into Camp Fairfax, managed by Neighborhood and Community Services. To learn more about Camp Fairfax, visit Camp Fairfax | Neighborhood and Community Services. You also can contact Camp Fairfax at or 703-449-8989.

Learn more about the impressive reach the Rec-PAC program had on page 6 of Winter Parktakes.

Best Summer Job Ever!

Looking to make a difference in a child’s life while enjoying yourself, forming new friendships, gaining valuable experience and creating memories — all while earning good pay? Join the Park Authority camp staff team!

Camps of All Types

Camps provide a wealth of opportunities for children to grow and develop socially, physically and cognitively. Whether your child wants to refine their existing skills or try their hand at something new, the Park Authority has a camp that they’re sure to enjoy!


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