The eight stations at each park are identical and feature a series of eight family-friendly fitness options that can be performed on the trail. Stop at the markers in any order and choose from low impact, medium and advanced exercise options for all ages and abilities. When all the Trail Mix fitness “ingredients” are completed together, participants will receive a complete body workout.
Trail Mix users will need to use a smart device to scan the QR code on the trail signs (most devices can do this with the built-in camera) and access the video for that station. Be sure to move to the side when doing your activity so others can access the code. Stations can be done in any order; scan the INTRO or EXIT QR code at your first and last stations. Share your photos with us online using the hashtag #FCPATrailMix and you could features on our social media pages!
The Trail Mix trails will remain open through May 31, 2022. To report a broken or missing QR code sign, please email parkmail@fairfaxcounty.gov.
If you used one of these trails, be sure to leave feedback or upload a photo by visiting the QR Trail - End Survey.
For more health and fitness options – including free virtual community classes – visit Healthy Strides.
The Healthy Strides Trail Mix program is presented in partnership with the Fairfax County Park Foundation.