A post-occupancy inspection by a Fire Marshal inspector must be scheduled 1) when the business space has opened to the public, 2) after all interior setup is in place, and 3) within 10 days of opening via the Occupancy Inspection record (FOCC-POST-YYYY-NNNNN) based on the county's use and occupancy requirements. From this visit, the inspector will determine which Fire Prevention Code Permits (FPCP) will be required for activities, processes, and occupancies regulated by the Fire Prevention Code. Once issued, Fire Prevention Code Permits allow the permit applicant to (i) conduct activities involving the handling, storage, or use of substances, materials, or devices regulated by the Fire Prevention Code, (ii) conduct processes regulated by the Fire Prevention Code which produce conditions hazardous to life or property, (iii) and/or to establish a place of assembly. A complete list of FPCP requirements and associated fees are available online.