Public Information Meetings; Submitting Feedback
The community is invited to provide striping-related feedback by attending a virtual public meeting and/or by submitting comments online. Login information will be posted here as soon as it's available; please check back soon. The following meetings have been scheduled:
View VDOT's 2022 Statewide Paving Status Map.
The deadline for public comments will be two weeks after each district meeting is held.
Comments on proposed striping modifications (e.g., bike lanes, turn lanes, crosswalks, new on-street parking areas, new centerline markings and/or sight distance issues due to parked vehicles) can be submitted electronically to FCDOT; forms will be available with a list of proposed striping projects for all districts prior to every public meeting.
Road maintenance-related comments (e.g., drainage issues, missing signage, signal repair, walkway repair and sight distance issues due to vegetation overgrowth) should be submitted through the myVDOT portal: Unfortunately, no additional roads can be added to the preliminary 2022 paving schedule at this point. If you would like to request road repairs, please follow the "I need a road repaired" link on the VDOT portal or call 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623).
Information for Residents
- The paving will begin in the spring and conclude in November 2022. Exact work dates are available approximately ten days prior to work beginning, as contractors set schedules based on personnel and equipment availability.
- In subdivisions, "no parking" signs with precise date information will be posted at least three business days prior to work starting.
- Residents can expect work vehicles in their neighborhood during the project.
- Motorists are asked to be alert to temporary traffic patterns. Cars, basketball hoops or garbage cans may need to be temporarily relocated while work is under way.
- Work hours are usually limited to outside of rush hours. Crews typically work on neighborhood streets weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- On other roads such as interstates and some primaries, work may occur overnight.
For more information about bike infrastructure in Fairfax County, see the following resources: