Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Dulles Toll Road westbound; add crosswalk on west leg |
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Intersection of Sunset Hills Road and Town Center Parkway; add crosswalks on north and west legs. |
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Intersection of Sunrise Valley Drive and Mercator Drive (Included as part of Map ID #8); construct 5-foot concrete sidewalk on south side of Sunrise Valley Drive between Glade Drive and Reston Parkway |
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Reston Station Boulevard; upgrade crosswalks on the west, north, and east legs of the intersection |
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Reston Station Boulevard; add a second left turn lane for northbound traffic and provide a second inbound lane.
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Isaac Newton Square South; add signalized pedestrian crossings and median at Wiehle Avenue and Isaac Newton Square South |
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Sunset Hills Road; upgrade crosswalks on all legs of the intersection |
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Sunset Hills Road; decrease right turn radius on north and south leg, channelize right turn lane and decrease right turn radius on west leg |
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Intersection of Sunset Hills Rd and Isaac Newton Square West; add and upgrade crosswalks on all legs of the intersection and construct new left turn lane for westbound turn lane for westbound turn |
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Sunrise Valley Drive; add crosswalks west leg of the intersection |
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Intersection of Sunrise Valley Drive at Wiehle Avenue; channelize right turns from the east and realign right turn channelization from the north |
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Intersection of Sunrise Valley Drive and Soapstone Drive; upgrade crosswalks on all legs of the intersection |
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Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Eastbound Dulles Toll Road ramp; decrease right turn radius and add crosswalk on west leg of the intersection |
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Intersection of Isaac Newton Square West and W&OD Trail; upgrade and add asphalt sidewalk on west side to Sunset Hills Road |
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Eastbound Dulles Toll Road ramp at Wiehle Avenue; construct a left turn lane |
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Intersection of Sunset Hills Road and Wiehle Avenue; construct a double left turn lane on westbound Sunset Hills Road |
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Bluemont Way & Discovery Street/Explorer Street/Library Street; road diet project to reduce travel lanes and introduce bike lanes, including pedestrian improvements.
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Sunset Hills Road/Old Reston Avenue; approximately 315 LF of sidewalk along the north side of Sunset Hills Road and intersection improvements at Old Reston Avenue |
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Reston Parkway/Dulles Toll Road Westbound On-Ramp; sidewalks, trails, and bike facility upgrades |
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Reston Parkway/Dulles Toll Road Eastbound Off-Ramp and On-Ramp; sidewalks, trails, and bike facility upgrades |
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Sunset Hills Road Eastbound Ramp/Fairfax County Parkway Trail; provide a crosswalk at the on-ramp from Sunset Hills Road to the Fairfax County Parkway and extend the shared-use path 130 LF |
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Sunrise Valley Drive Sidewalk; construct 5-foot concrete sidewalk on south side of Sunrise Valley Drive between Glade Drive and Reston Parkway
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South Lakes Drive Walkway from Greenkeepers Court to Sunrise Valley Drive; install walkway - Greenkeepers Court to Soapstone Drive, Whisperwood Glen Lane to Ridge Heights Road, and Harbor Court to Twin Branches Road |
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Soapstone Bike Lanes; west side from the end of Soapstone to Sunrise Valley Drive |
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Soapstone Bike Lanes; east side from the end of Soapstone to Sunrise Valley Drive
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Soapstone Sidewalk; west side from Sunrise Valley Drive to Hunters Green Court |
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Wiehle Avenue Sidewalk; east side from Chestnut Grove Square to North Shore Drive |
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Wiehle Avenue Walkway; Sunrise Valley Drive to Wiehle-Reston East Station entrance |
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South side from Soapstone Drive to South Lakes Drive; approximately 5,000 LF of 5 to 7-foot concrete sidewalk on south side of Sunrise Valley Drive |
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North side from Soapstone Drive to South Lakes Drive; upgrade approximately 4,500 LF of an existing asphalt sidewalk to a 10-foot shared-use path on north side of Sunrise Valley Drive |
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Bluemont Way and Discovery Street/Explorer Street; road diet project to reduce travel lanes and introduce bike lanes, including pedestrian improvements |
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Sunset Hills Road from Town Center Parkway to Reston Town Center Station Entrance; construct 6-foot asphalt sidewalk along the north side of Sunset Hills Road |
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