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Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson

Reston Area Metrorail Station Access Improvement Projects

Reston area station access projects improve pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle connections to and from the new Silver Line Metro stations. The majority of projects in the Reston area are area being constructed with Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) funding to improve Metro station access. The list of projects is, in part, the result of work undertaken by Reston Metrorail Access Group.  

View Completed Projects

Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Dulles Toll Road westbound; add crosswalk on west leg Complete
Intersection of Sunset Hills Road and Town Center Parkway; add crosswalks on north and west legs. Complete
Intersection of Sunrise Valley Drive and Mercator Drive (Included as part of Map ID #8); construct 5-foot concrete sidewalk on south side of Sunrise Valley Drive between Glade Drive and Reston Parkway Complete 
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Reston Station Boulevard; upgrade crosswalks on the west, north, and east legs of the intersection Complete 
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Reston Station Boulevard; add a second left turn lane for northbound traffic and provide a second inbound lane.
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Isaac Newton Square South; add signalized pedestrian crossings and median at Wiehle Avenue and Isaac Newton Square South Complete 
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Sunset Hills Road; upgrade crosswalks on all legs of the intersection Complete 
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Sunset Hills Road; decrease right turn radius on north and south leg, channelize right turn lane and decrease right turn radius on west leg Complete 
Intersection of Sunset Hills Rd and Isaac Newton Square West; add and upgrade crosswalks on all legs of the intersection and construct new left turn lane for westbound turn lane for westbound turn Complete 
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Sunrise Valley Drive; add crosswalks west leg of the intersection Complete 
Intersection of Sunrise Valley Drive at Wiehle Avenue; channelize right turns from the east and realign right turn channelization from the north Complete 
Intersection of Sunrise Valley Drive and Soapstone Drive; upgrade crosswalks on all legs of the intersection Complete 
Intersection of Wiehle Avenue and Eastbound Dulles Toll Road ramp; decrease right turn radius and add crosswalk on west leg of the intersection Complete 
Intersection of Isaac Newton Square West and W&OD Trail; upgrade and add asphalt sidewalk on west side to Sunset Hills Road Complete 
Eastbound Dulles Toll Road ramp at Wiehle Avenue; construct a left turn lane Complete 
Intersection of Sunset Hills Road and Wiehle Avenue; construct a double left turn lane on westbound Sunset Hills Road Complete 
Bluemont Way & Discovery Street/Explorer Street/Library Street; road diet project to reduce travel lanes and introduce bike lanes, including pedestrian improvements.
Sunset Hills Road/Old Reston Avenue; approximately 315 LF of sidewalk along the north side of Sunset Hills Road and intersection improvements at Old Reston Avenue Complete 
Reston Parkway/Dulles Toll Road Westbound On-Ramp; sidewalks, trails, and bike facility upgrades Complete 
Reston Parkway/Dulles Toll Road Eastbound Off-Ramp and On-Ramp; sidewalks, trails, and bike facility upgrades Complete 
Sunset Hills Road Eastbound Ramp/Fairfax County Parkway Trail; provide a crosswalk at the on-ramp from Sunset Hills Road to the Fairfax County Parkway and extend the shared-use path 130 LF Complete 
Sunrise Valley Drive Sidewalk; construct 5-foot concrete sidewalk on south side of Sunrise Valley Drive between Glade Drive and Reston Parkway

South Lakes Drive Walkway from Greenkeepers Court to Sunrise Valley Drive; install walkway - Greenkeepers Court to Soapstone Drive, Whisperwood Glen Lane to Ridge Heights Road, and Harbor Court to Twin Branches Road
Soapstone Bike Lanes; west side from the end of Soapstone to Sunrise Valley Drive Complete 
Soapstone Bike Lanes; east side from the end of Soapstone to Sunrise Valley Drive
Soapstone Sidewalk; west side from Sunrise Valley Drive to Hunters Green Court Complete 
Wiehle Avenue Sidewalk; east side from Chestnut Grove Square to North Shore Drive Complete 
Wiehle Avenue Walkway; Sunrise Valley Drive to Wiehle-Reston East Station entrance Complete 
South side from Soapstone Drive to South Lakes Drive; approximately 5,000 LF of 5 to 7-foot concrete sidewalk on south side of Sunrise Valley Drive  Complete 
North side from Soapstone Drive to South Lakes Drive; upgrade approximately 4,500 LF of an existing asphalt sidewalk to a 10-foot shared-use path on north side of Sunrise Valley Drive Complete 
Bluemont Way and Discovery Street/Explorer Street; road diet project to reduce travel lanes and introduce bike lanes, including pedestrian improvements Complete 
Sunset Hills Road from Town Center Parkway to Reston Town Center Station Entrance; construct 6-foot asphalt sidewalk along the north side of Sunset Hills Road  Complete 


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