Transportation Alert:
On August 16, 2023, Fairfax County Department of Transportation held a virtual public input meeting on projects to be submitted for FY25 Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant funding.
The five projects under consideration are listed below.
The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) began with the federal transportation bill signed in July 2012 – Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century. The program is intended to help local sponsors fund community-based projects that expand non-motorized travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by improving the cultural, historical and environmental aspects of transportation infrastructure. The program's projects will be eligible for submission to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for funding under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, also known as the FAST Act.
Compton Road Walkway (Bull Run Regional Park to Cub Run Stream Valley Park)
Mason Neck Trail (Pohick Bay Park Entrance to Route 1)
Shrevewood Safe Routes to School (Safe Routes to School)
Bush Hill ES SRTS (Ninian Ave. to Larno Dr.)
Lake Braddock Safe Routes to School
Vienna Metrorail Bike Connection Improvement
This project will add dedicated bicycle facilities to Virginia Center Boulevard and Country Creek Road from Nutley Street to Sutton Road. The project will also include a connection to the I-66 Trail that is being planned with the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project. The project provide protected bike lanes through a combination of implementing a road diet, narrowing the existing median, and adding trail connections behind the existing curb.
Mason Neck Trail (Pohick Bay Park Entrance to Route 1)
This project would construct missing walkway links along Gunston Road from Richmond Highway (Route 1) to the existing trail.
Shrevewood Elementary School Safe Routes to School (SRTS)
The Shrevewood Elementary School (SRTS) project will add two new marked crosswalks across Shreve Road, one at Fairwood Lane to the west with a pedestrian refuge island and one at the eastern driveway of Shrevewood Elementary School, in addition to a third crosswalk across Virginia Lane at Virginia Avenue.
Bush Hill Elementary School SRTS
This project would add a pedestrian connection to Bush Hill Elementary School.
Public meeting held May 27; Comments closed June 15, 2021
Fairfax County Department of Transportation held a public input meeting on four projects to be submitted for the FY23 Transportation Alternatives Set Aside Project (TAP) application process. The meeting was held on Thursday, May 27 at 6:00 p.m. online via WEBEX.