Assisted Community Residential Services (ACRS) provides long-term residential supports for individuals with developmental disabilities and/or serious mental illness, as well as medical conditions, who require assisted living.
More about Assisted Community Residential Services:
- Not time-limited.
- Designed around individual needs and preferences.
- Emphasize full inclusion in community life.
- Living environment fosters independence consistent with an individual’s potential.
- Some services provided directly by CSB. Others are provided through contracts with private, nonprofit residential service providers in the community.
- Most services are provided directly to adults.
- Some supports are provided to families for family-arranged respite services to individuals with developmental disabilities, regardless of age.
Services include:
- An Assisted Living Facility (ALF), operated by Pathway Homes Inc. provides 24/7 care for people with serious mental illness and medical needs.
- Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) provide 24/7 supports for individuals with developmental disabilities who need highly intensive service, medical and/or behavioral support needs.
Other services for adults with developmental disabilities include:
- Group homes that provide 24/7 supports (small group living arrangements, usually four to six residents per home).
- Supervised apartments that provide community-based group living arrangements with less than 24-hour care.
- Daily or drop-in supports based on individual needs and preferences to maintain individuals in family homes, their own homes or in shared living arrangements (apartments, town homes).
- Short-term, in-home respite services.
- Long-term respite services provided by a licensed 24-hour home.
- Emergency shelter services.
- Individualized Purchase of Service (IPOS) is provided for a small number of people who receive other specialized long-term community residential services via contracts.
To learn more, call 703-324-4400, TTY 711, or learn more about the intake process for developmental disabilities services.