Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board

CONTACT INFORMATION: Emergency - 703-573-5679 / Detox - 703-502-7000 (24/7)
703-383-8500 TTY 711
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Daryl Washington
Executive Director

Welcoming Inclusion Network

When inclusion happens, we all WIN!

Photo of attendees at a WIN meetingMembers of the Welcoming Inclusion Network (WIN) will work together to advance employment and day services for individuals with developmental (and intellectual) disabilities.

As our disability population has grown, both in size and differing interests and support needs, the county recognizes the challenges in building equity and efficiency within available resources. The CSB recognizes the need, and the community’s desire, for more dialogue and participation from stakeholders and the broader community.

In a search for solutions that will help meet the needs for inclusion, accessibility and community support, WIN was launched on February 26, 2018.

Upcoming Meetings

Welcoming Inclusion Network - Who We Are

Who's involved with the Welcoming Inclusion Network, including members, stakeholders, staff and leadership.

Get involved with the Inclusion/Networking group

To participate in Inclusion/Network planning activities please contact Laura Allen, Group Lead.  

WIN Materials

Growing opportunities for people with developmental disabilities

CSB developmental disabilities staff visited Legacy Farms, which helps individuals with autism build job skills and find competitive employment.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant