Department of Family Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-7500 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael A. Becketts

Family Services Program Directory: Disabilities

Adult Protective Services (APS)
Protects older adults and incapacitated adults from abuse, neglect or exploitation. 

Assisted Living and Nursing Home Placement
Provides assistance with ADLs, IADLs, medication administration and supervision. 

Auxiliary Grants
Provides a supplemental check to resource- and income-eligible adults residing in licensed assisted living facilities or approved adult foster care homes. 

Disabilities Services and Resources
Information, referral, advocacy and/or outreach services. 
703-324-7948, TTY 711

Family Caregiver Support
Services/resources to family caregivers of older adults, adults with disabilities, and grandparents/other adults 55+ raising a relative’s child(ren) in their home. 

General Relief
Temporary assistance/medical care for adults who are disabled or ill, and for certain children living with families unrelated to them. 

Independent Living Project
Assists older adults and adults with disabilities to stay in their homes and remain independent through consultation and workshops. 

Lincolnia Senior Residences 
Multiple services include assisted living, independent apartments, senior center and adult day health center. 

Home Delivered Meals
Provides meals to homebound adults age 60+ or adults with disabilities. 

Medicaid - Adults
Help with medical care for low-income elderly, blind and disabled individuals; pregnant women, needy children and their caretakers; and refugees first entering the U.S. 

Northern Virginia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Advocates for people receiving long-term care services to ensure the highest quality of life and care. 

Volunteer Solutions
Opportunities to volunteer to help older adults and adults with disabilities. 

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