The Mental Health Docket serves criminal participants who are suffering from a mental illness and are currently involved in the criminal justice system of Fairfax County. In lieu of traditional punishment, the Docket diverts participants with diagnosed mental illness away from the criminal justice system. As an alternative, participants are required to participate in treatment and judicial supervision. The Docket is divided into four phases and participants who successfully complete the program may have their current charges reduced or dismissed. The Docket is voluntary and a participant can decide not to be involved at any time. However, if s/he chooses to quit (or obtains a sanctioned dismissal) the traditional court process will resume.
While in the program, the participant is required to receive ongoing mental health treatment along with regular supervision from the court and Docket team. The Docket team holds defendants accountable and assists participants to achieve long-term stability, including becoming law-abiding citizens and successful family/community members. Participants must abide by all the conditions and rules of the Mental Health Docket. A private attorney or public defender will continue to represent the participant and his/her legal interests throughout participation in the Docket program.