The Family Assessment and Planning Team, or “FAPT,” is a multidisciplinary group of professionals who represent public agencies as well as private organizations serving Fairfax County, the City of Falls Church and the City of Fairfax. Each FAPT is comprised of a representative from the Department of Family Services, the Community Services Board, Fairfax County Public Schools and the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. There is also a representative from the private provider community as well as a trained parent/family representative.
As stated in our systems of care philosophy, Fairfax County believes that youth are best served with their own families. Keeping youth and families together and preventing entry into long-term out-of-home placements is the best outcome for children and families. While developing and coordinating treatment planning for children, services utilized will be community-based whenever possible, and children will be placed outside of the community only when absolutely necessary. When other team-based planning processes have been unable to create a safe and effective community-based plan, or are unable to agree on a plan, then a referral shall be made to a FAPT. If parents/custodians disagree with the community-based plan created by a Family Partnership Meeting, Family Resource Meeting, or Intensive Care Coordination Youth and Family Team, or if they decline to participate in developing a community-based plan and decide to request residential or group home placement, then a referral can be made to a FAPT.
What can I expect at a FAPT meeting?
Once your CSA case manager has submitted a FAPT meeting request via the required documentation, your meeting will be scheduled for review within ten business days with that team which is closest to you geographically (when possible). You, your child (ages 14 and older) and your CSA case manager are required to participate in the meeting and you are encouraged to invite any other natural or professional supports you deem appropriate.
Prior to the meeting, the members of the FAPT will receive written information from the case manager about your child, including background information and a description of his/her current needs and functioning, as well as any recent provider reports from professionals who have been working with you and your family. A Utilization Review report will be completed by a CSA Utilization Review Analyst and submitted to the FAPT; this report will address needs and strengths, services that have already been utilized and their effectiveness, and other issues pertaining to your child and family.
Meetings are scheduled for 50 minutes and during that time the FAPT members will discuss with you, your child and other participants the unique strengths and needs of your child and family. Out of this discussion an action plan will be developed to address those issues which have brought you and your child to the CSA process. This plan may include a range of services from those that are accessible within the community to those that utilize an out-of-home placement. After the plan is developed, all members in attendance will sign it and receive a copy. After the meeting your Case Manager will work with you to get any agreed-upon services implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible.
What happens if I do not agree with the outcome of the meeting?
If any meeting participant is not in support of the plan developed, he/she may sign a statement on the plan indicating such. As you leave the meeting, you will receive a copy of the “Notice To Family Regarding Right To Appeal” and if you are dissatisfied with the recommendations of the plan developed at the FAPT, you may file a written request for appeal to the CPMT.