Meetings will be held in Conference Room 11 of the Fairfax County Government Center unless announced otherwise.
Evelyn Spain, Chairman
Jeremy Hancock, Vice Chairman
Phillip Niedzielski-Eichner
Timothy Sargeant
John Ulfelder (Alt)
Next Meeting: February 27, 2025 at 8:30 p.m. in Conference Room 11.
December 12, 2024
The Planning Commission's Schools Committee meeting scheduled for December 12, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. has been cancelled.
April 4, 2024
Meeting Materials
March 8, 2023
The Schools Committee was constituted. Commissioner Evelyn Spain was elected Chairman.
December 14, 2022
The Schools Committee met to discuss with representatives of Fairfax County Public Schools the public engagement process for school facility construction, addition, and renovations. There was also a discussion on the timeline for public engagement and the role of the Capital Improvement Program on school facility projects.
January 20, 2022
The Schools Committee met to have a follow up discussion on the 2232 process for school facilities. Staff from the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) gave a presentation on the which included the 2232 review, policy plan objectives, feature shown process, and public outreach. DPD staff, FCPS School Board representatives, and the County Attorney responded to committee feedback and questions.
- Agenda
- Schools Outreach Best Practices
- DPD 2232 Flowchart
- Schools Recession Memo
- Inclusive Community Engagement Framework
September 23, 2021
The Schools Committee was constituted for 2021. Commissioner Julie Strandlie was elected Chairman and Commissioner Evelyn Spain was elected Vice Chairman. Staff from the Department of Planning and Development, FCPS, and the County Attorney gave a presentation to the committee on the 2232 process for school facilities.
- Agenda
- FCPS Expansion and Modifications of Existing School Facilities
- Section 15.2 of the Code of Virginia
- Schools Committee Presentation
December 10, 2019
The committee met with School Board members and staff to finalize their recommendation of the Joint Work Program. The committee voted unanimously to recommend to the Planning Commission approval of the draft recommendations, as amended, regarding shared County and school Comprehensive Plan priorities. The recommendation is expected to be voted on by the Planning Commission at their January 8, 2020 meeting.
July 23, 2019
Karla Bruce, Chief Equity Officer, provided an update on One Fairfax to the Committee and School Board members.
One Fairfax Update Presentation
March 28, 2019
The committee members and Planning Division staff finalized their work on addressing land use priorities with schools. The committee voted unanimously to endorse to the full Planning Commission a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to authorize advertising for changes to the policy plan.
- School Proffers - Summary of committee discussion and recommended language
- Long Range Student Population Forecasting - Summary of discussion and recommended language
- Capital Improvement Program - Summary of discussion and recommended language
- Co-location of Facilities - Summary of discussion and recommended language
- Existing Comprehensive Plan Policies - Recommended language
- County Owned Vacant and Underutilized Property - Summary of discussion, research, and recommended language
- Economic Development Policy Plan Language - recommended language
- One Fairfax Policy and Supporting Comprehensive Plan Policies
- One Fairfax Policy - dated November 21, 2017
March 14, 2019
The Committee members, FCPS staff and Planning Division staff continued their work on addressing land use priorities.
- Economic Development Policy Plan Language - Subcommittee Recommendations
- Existing Economic Development Policy Plan Language - Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan, 2017 edition
- School Proffers - Summary of committee discussion and recommended language
- Capital Improvement Program - Summary of committee discussion and recommended language
- Co-location of Facilities - Summary of committee discussion and recommended language
- Existing Comprehensive Plan Policies - Recommended language
- Use of County Owned Vacant and Underutilized Property - Summary of discussion and recommendation
- One Fairfax Policy with Supporting Comprehensive Plan Policies
- One Fairfax Policy - dated November 21, 2017
- Population Projection/Long Range Student Population Forecasting - Summary of discussion and recommended language
- Student Membership Projections Process - CIP FY 2020-24
February 28, 2019
The Schools Committee was constituted. Commissioner Tim Sargeant was elected Chairman and Commissioner Julie Strandlie was elected Vice Chairman. The committee members, FCPS staff, and Planning Division staff continued their work addressing land use priorities.
- Allocation of County Owned Surplus Property
- Economic Development Plan Language Recommendations
- Existing Comprehensive Plan Policies - Schools and Economic Development
- FCPS Student Membership Projections Process
- One Fairfax - Comp Plan Policies
- One Fairfax Policy
- Capital Improvement Program Recommendations
- Co-location of Facilities
- Existing Policies
- Long-term Student Population Forecasting
- School Proffers
February 12, 2019
The committee members, Fairfax County Public Schools staff, and Planning Division staff continued their work addressing land use priorities.
- Allocation of County Owned Surplus Property
- Economic Development Plan Language
- One Fairfax - Comprehensive Plan Policies
- One Fairfax Policy
- Proposed FY 2020-24 CIP page 28
- Capital Improvement Program Recommendations
- Co-location of Facilities
- Existing Comprehensive Plan Policies
- Long-term Student Population Forecasting
- School Proffers
- Utilization of Existing Facilities
January 26, 2019
The Committee and staff from Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) had a work session regarding the implementation of a work plan that would address land use priorities.
- Economic Development Subcommittee Recommendations
- FCPS Student Membership Projections Process
- Co-location of Facilities
- County Owned Vacant and Underutilized Property
- Existing Policies
- Long Range Student Population Forecasting
- School Proffers
- Utilization of Existing Facilities
January 17, 2019
The Committee and staff from Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) continued work on the implementation of a work plan that would address land use priorities, as requested by the BOS and Fairfax County School Board during a joint retreat. The Committee, FCPS staff, and Planning Division staff continued their review of suggested recommendations from previous meetings on topics such as existing policies, utilization of existing facilities, vacant and underutilized County owned properties, the co-location of facilities, and school proffers.
- Existing Policies
- Utilization of Existing Facilities
- Vacant and Underutilized County owned properties
- Co-location of Facilities
- School Proffers
December 5, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee discussed with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff the subcommittee's suggested recommendations regarding economic development and equity and access to schools/school facilities.
- Draft Proposed Comprehensive Plan Policy - Economic Development
- One Fairfax Policy
- Suggested Subcommittee Recommendations
November 7, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee discussed with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff discussions from previous committee meetings and planning policies for school facilities in the future.
July 18, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee discussed with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff the schools planning and economic development, equity and access to schools/schools facilities and objectives of subcommittee.
- One Fairfax Policy
- 5-10 Year CIP Period: Potential Shared Use Opportunities by District
- Comprehensive Plan Policies - Economic Development - Mark Up
- Public Schools Policy Plan
- Schools Committee Summary of Findings
- Schools Committee Recommended Work Plan
June 27, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee discussed with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff the reallocation and disposition process of County-owned vacant or underutilized property.
- Example of County property conveyed to Park Authority
- Example of County property sold
- Existing Comprehensive Plan policies
- Facilities Management Department Memorandum
- One Fairfax policy
April 25, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee discussed with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff the co-location of County and FCPS facilities, repurposing of buildings for FCPS facilities, vacant and underutilized properties for potential FCPS facilities and programs.
- Comprehensive Plan Policies - Co-location of Fairfax County and FCPS Facilities
- Comprehensive Plan Policies - Co-location of FCPS and Park Authority Facilities
- Comprehensive Plan Policies - Repurposing of Buildings for FCPS Facilities
- Facilities Management Department Procedural Memorandum
- 5-10 Year CIP Period: Potential Shared Use Opportunities by District
- Schools Committee Schedule
February 21, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee was constituted. Commissioner Timothy Sargeant was elected Chairman and Commissioner Julie Strandlie was elected Vice Chairman. The Committee continued a discussion with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff on the proffer formulas for capital improvements, use of vacant and/or underutilized County properties for FCPS facilities, collaboration of FCPS with business and economic development initiatives.
January 17, 2018
Meeting Agenda
The Committee discussed with the Fairfax County Public Schools staff the following topics:
- Exempt and non-exempt areas;
- Defining overcapacity;
- Proffer formulas; and
- Construction goals.
- Capital Improvement Program Overview
- Historic Student Yield Ratio and Proffer Contribution
- Proffer Contribution Calculation
- Proffer Legislation Exempt Mixed-Use Small Areas Map
- School Impact Proffer Formula and Student Yield Ratio Update
- Student Yield Ratios by School Level