We are a district-wide citizen committee that reviews Springfield District land use proposals submitted to Fairfax County and makes recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors (see our charter below).
- Jeff Saxe, Interim Co-Chair
- Susan Yantis, Interim Co-Chair
- Phil Poole
- Chris Vernon
- George Fanady
- Tori Doby
- Jimmy Shaughnessy
- Sam Gray
- Ashley Frederick
- Linda Travis
- Steve Wallace (Alternate)
Scheduled Meetings:
January 16, 2025, 7:30 p.m. (In Person, Fairfax County Gov. Center Conference Rooms 4/5): REVISED Agenda
Previous meeting information:
June 6, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (In Person; Fairfax County Government Center Conference Room #7): Agenda
April 11, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (In Person): Agenda Minutes/Summary Cornerstones Presentation
Information on GMU West Campus Expansion Mason Town Center Update
March 21, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (Virtual) Agenda
January 30, 2024: Agenda with Minutes
Tuesday, December 13, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (In Person): Agenda: Center Road Rezoning (RZ 2016-SP-033), Costco Zoning Application (SEA-2007-SP-001-02), Staff Presentation and Q&A on Plan Amendment (2021-CW-1CP), Staff Presentation on Public Facilities Policy Plan Update (PA-2020-00026), Staff Presentation on Zoning Ordinance Amendment (the amendment will provide for a comprehensive review of landscaping and screening provisions of the Zoning Ordinance).
October 18, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (In Person): Staff Presentation and Q&A on Plan Amendment (2021-CW-1CP), Site-Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) Updates Presentation, Center Road Rezoning (RZ 2016-SP-033) Presentation on rezoning for development of single-family units on 3 lots located at 8674 Center Road in Springfield.
September 13, 2022 7:30 p.m. (In Person): 2232 Applications – Fairview Fire Stations (2232-2022-SP-00005 & 2232-2022-SP-00007), Costco Zoning Application (SEA-2007-SP-001-02), Fair Lakes Popeyes Drive-Through (RZPA-2021-SP-00011), and Westfields Golf Course.
October 19, 2021 7:30 p.m. (Virtual): Burke Community Church –Located at 9900 Old Keene Mill Road in Burke, it has filed an application for a Special Exception to allow for the addition of graduate level courses of instruction, leading to degrees in theology, to operate within its existing buildings. Planning Commission Date: 12/8/21. The initial distribution is available at http://ldsnet.fairfaxcounty.gov/ldsnet/ZAPSMain.aspx?cde=SE&seq=4291047
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 7:30 p.m. (Virtual): Discussion of Buckley Development LLC – A proposed subdivision of 2 existing lots into 6 proposed lots at 12627 & 12631 Buckley's Gate Drive in Fairfax. The initial distribution is available at http://ldsnet.fairfaxcounty.gov/LDSnet/ldsdwf/4773363.PDF
July 20, 2021 7:30 p.m. (hybrid meeting): Discussion of(1) Buckley Development LLC and (2) A proposed expansion and modernization of the Fairview fire station at 5600 Burke Centre Pkwy, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
February 9, 2021 7:30 p.m. (Virtual meeting): Agenda Rolling Development proposal for a nursery school and child care center at 6000 Rolling Road (Rolling Road at Center Road) Presentation and Milestone/Virginia Korean Baptist Church Presentation
January 19, 2021 7:30 p.m. (Virtual meeting): Agenda Further discussion and vote on Autumn Willow case
December 8, 2020, 7:30 p.m. (Virtual meeting): Agenda Further discussion of the proposal for a senior assisted living facility at 13090 Autumn Willow Dr. & 13208 Lee Highway in Fairfax.
November 10, 2020, 7:30 p.m. (Virtual meeting): Presentation for the proposal to construct a senior assisted living facility at 13090 Autumn Willow Dr. & 13208 Lee Highway in Fairfax.
September 10, 2020, 7:30 p.m. (Virtual Meeting): Fair Oaks Mall Comprehensive Plan Amendment: (more information on the amendment webpage)
HHP Holdings, LLC (Healthy Hounds) SE 2020-SP-009: HHP Holdings, LLC has filed an application with Fairfax County proposing to operate a dog kennel on a property located at 12605 Braddock Road in Fairfax. The property is currently a vacant parcel in the R-C zoning district. The applicant seeks to construct a kennel which will consist of a maximum 18,360 square foot facility providing dog day care, boarding, and grooming services. The proposed development will house up to 150 dogs at any one time. Meeting Minutes will be available November 16. Meeting Presentation
Agritourism Staff Presentation: County staff will provide committee members with an update on the proposed Agritourism Zoning Ordinance amendment.
July 14, 2020: Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2019-III-FC1(Fair Oaks Mall). Vote was deferred until Sept. 10 when the staff report will be ready. Meeting Minutes
RZ FDP 2019-SP-14 Brightview Senior Living Development, LLC is proposing to expand the recreational area and add additional screening for their approved senior living campus at 12723 and 12725 Lee Highway. The Land Use Committee reviewed this application on 1/27/20 and it was approved by the Planning Commission on 2/26/20. The Board of Supervisors deferred the public hearing originally set for 4/14/2020 to 6/23/20 at 3:30 pm.
South County Site-Specific Plan Amendment Process Presentation
Application: (Fair Lakes North & South L.C.) -- The applicant is seeking approval to construct a continuing care campus with assisted living and independent living components plus 171 townhomes at the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Fair Lakes Parkway and Fairfax County Parkway. Applicant Presentation Minutes Approved 10/29/19 by BOS
Application: (Christopher Companies, LLC) -- The applicant is seeking approval to construct 24 single family homes at 8533 Tuttle Road. Applicant Presentation Minutes BOS Public Hearing deferred to January 14, 220 at 3:30 pm
If you would like further information on any land use issues or would like to get in touch with the Springfield District Land Use Committee members, please contact Anthony Amos, Supervisor Herrity's Legislative Aide, via e-mail or via phone at 703-451-8873, TTY 711.