Public Facilities Policy Plan
PLUS Record Number:
Countywide Policy Plan Amendment
On July 14, 2020 the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment to update the Public Facilities Policy Plan and related updates to Area Plans, including reviewing the alignment of those updates with the CIP. The effort will begin with the Public Schools element of the Public Facilities section of the Policy Plan and include the School’s Committee recommendations.
Project Scope
PHASE I (Complete - Adopted on May 7, 2024)
Phase I of the amendment updated the Public Facilities Element of the Policy Plan. The Policy Plan consists of objectives and policies for the planning and implementation of public facilities throughout the County. The facility types included in the Policy Plan are schools, libraries, public safety (police, fire and rescue, sheriff, courts, and animal control), water supply, sanitary sewer, solid waste and recycling, drainage systems and stormwater management, maintenance facilities, and electrical and other utility services.
The Department of Planning and Development coordinated with various agencies involved in the planning and implementation of public facilities throughout Fairfax County to receive input on the plan amendment. Public hearings were held before the Planning Commission on March 20, 2024 and Board of Supervisors on May 7, 2024. The Board of Supervisors adopted Phase I of the Public Facilities Policy Plan amendment on May 7, 2024 (Adopted Amendment 2017 P-18).
PHASE II (Currently Underway)
Department of Planning and Development staff will be coordinating updates to the Comprehensive Plan’s Planning Districts and Special Planning Area Plans. The updates to these plans will include the sections and references related to public facilities, as well as maps and charts displaying existing inventories of public facilities. Staff will coordinate additional community meetings with the public and Planning Commission as the project progresses.