Transportation Alert:
FCDOT held a second paving and restriping meeting focused on two proposed bike lanes and marked crosswalks in Franconia District on Wednesday, June 15, at 6 p.m. The additional projects, which originally had been deferred for consideration until next year, are now possible due to a lower re-bid on the paving contract.
Watch: Meeting Video
View: Meeting Presentation
Farmington Drive: FCDOT and VDOT are proposing to add a bike lane and shared street markings between Telegraph Road and Edgehill Drive.
Fordson Road: FCDOT and VDOT are proposing to add bike lanes between Richmond Highway and Mount Vernon Plaza. The proposal would restrict most on-street parking south of Cyrene Boulevard. Existing on-street parking as well as the commercial vehicle parking restrictions will remain north of Cyrene Boulevard. New crosswalks across Fordson Road are proposed at Cyrene Boulevard and at the McDonald’s/Mount Vernon Plaza entrance.
Please contact the Active Transportation Team with feedback by June 29, 2022.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) held a virtual public meeting on proposed paving and restriping changes in the Franconia, Mount Vernon and Springfield Districts on Tuesday, April 19. Community members had the opportunity to learn about VDOT's repaving program, proposed striping changes and provide feedback.
Lockheed Boulevard: FCDOT and VDOT are proposing to add bike lanes between Route 1 and Huntley Meadows Park Entrance where feasible. Existing on-street parking will be maintained. In areas where no shoulder is present, the median will be widened to improve the safety of crossing pedestrians.
Old Keene Mill Road: FCDOT and VDOT are proposing to narrow the travel lanes to a standard 11 feet and widen the existing shoulder between Greeley Boulevard and Lee Valley Drive.
FCDOT and VDOT are considering upgrades to the following crosswalk locations, which may include marked crosswalks, high-visibility crosswalks and/or crosswalk signage:
Mount Vernon:
Mount Vernon Highway: In the wide section in front of Mount Vernon High School at Battersea Lane, provide two 11-foot wide travel lanes, a dedicated right turn and a left turn lane into the school driveway, and a striped median at the crosswalk location.
Old Keene Mill Road: FCDOT and VDOT are proposing to narrow the travel lanes to a standard 11 feet between Hillside Road and Rolling Road. The median will be widened to improve the safety of crossing pedestrians.
FCDOT and VDOT are considering upgrades to the following crosswalk locations, which may include marked crosswalks, high-visibility crosswalks and/or crosswalk signage:
See VDOT's 2022 Paving Status Map for more information on road specific projects, status, maps and contact information, which is updated weekly during the paving season.
As part of its annual maintenance, VDOT repaves hundreds of roads in Fairfax County each year. FCDOT and VDOT collaborate during the repaving and restriping process to efficiently implement the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan that seeks to improve traffic safety and provide transportation options to people around the County.
Paving work is scheduled to begin in April and conclude in November. Exact work dates are available about ten days prior to work beginning, as contractors set schedules based on personnel and equipment availability. In subdivisions, "no parking" signs with precise date information will be posted at least three business days prior to work starting. Residents can expect work vehicles in their neighborhood during the project. Motorists are asked to be alert to temporary traffic patterns. Cars, basketball hoops or garbage cans may need to be temporarily relocated while work is under way. Work hours are usually limited to outside of rush hours. Crews typically work on neighborhood streets weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. On other roads such as interstates and some primaries, work may occur overnight.
Return to the FCDOT Paving and Restriping Program landing page.
FCDOT ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need this information in an alternate format or would like to request reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact FCDOT at 703-877-5600, TTY 711. Requests for assistance must be received at least 7 business days in advance of an event.