Transportation Alert:
On April 4, 2017, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved the creation of a Reston Transportation Service District, and the Reston Transportation Service District Advisory Board. The advisory board will work with Fairfax County staff and provide input to the Board of Supervisors on the annual tax rate for the service district; transportation project priorities for projects funded all or in part by the service district; and issues related to the Reston Road Fund.
The Responsibilities of the advisory board include providing input on the following:
The advisory board should:
Member | Representing |
Michael Shindledecker | Dranesville District Representative |
Kelley Westenhoff | Hunter Mill District Representative #1 |
Joe Koszarek | Hunter Mill District Representative #2 |
Adam Rubinstein | Residential Owners and HOA/Civic Association Representative #1 |
Vacant | Residential Owners and HOA/Civic Association Representative #2 |
Stephanie Weber | Residential Owners and HOA/Civic Association Representative #3 |
Angela Roberts | Apartment or Rental Owner Association Representative |
Margaret D. Parker | Commercial or Retail Ownership Representative #1 |
Rachel Wood | Commercial or Retail Ownership Representative #2 |
Peter J. Henry | Commercial or Retail Ownership Representative #3 |
Steven Coniglio | Chamber of Commerce lessees of Non-Residential Space Representative |
Vacant | Reston Association Representative |
Robert Goudie | Reston Town Center Association (RTCA) Representative |
Gary Maupin | Homeowner Member from RTCA Representative |