
CONTACT INFORMATION: Regular hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday - Friday.
703-324-9300 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway Suite 755
Fairfax, VA 22035
Suzie Battista, AICP
Section Director

Follow on Motions

After recommending approval of the Tysons Corner Urban Center Plan Amendment, the Planning Commission approved 16 additional motions that recommended Board action on several issues related to Plan implementation. The Board of Supervisors approved the Tysons Corner Urban Center Plan Amendment on June 22, 2010. At that time, the Board also approved 20 Follow-On Motions to address the 16 motions of the Planning Commission and four additional items. This provides the 20 Follow-On Motions with a status update on each. Related details for on-going implementation initiatives undertaken to address the Board’s directives, are in the Implementation section of the Tysons Tracker.

#1Financing Infrastructure Icons

The Board directs staff to continue its work on potential arrangements for financing the public share of Tysons infrastructure improvements; to facilitate co-operative funding agreements with the private sector; and, to return to the Board with its recommendations. The Board further directs that this include funding for transit systems, including Metrorail. The Board strongly believes that public and private reinvestment in Tysons is both critical and responsible for ensuring that Tysons continues to be the economic engine for the County. The portion of revenue stemming from growth at Tysons that is proposed to be applied in Tysons should take into account the past and continuing contribution of Tysons to the County’s economy.

  • 2012: On October 16, the Board adopted a comprehensive funding plan for Tysons’ infrastructure improvements.
  • 2013: On January 8, the Board created the Tysons Transportation Service District, and adjusted its Tysons Road Fund policy to create two new road funds with associated implementation guidance. 
  • 2024: The FY2024 tax rate for the Service District was held at $0.05 per $100 of assessed value. In FY2024, the Service District collected approximately $9.7 million. As of June 30, a total of $64.2 million in Service District funds were allocated to projects.
  • Ongoing: Rates are reviewed and updated annually with all other County transportation fund rates. Information on the current rates is found in the Transportation section of the Tysons Tracker. Staff continues to implement the Board’s funding plan through the rezoning process, including commitments to in-kind construction of local streets and Road Fund contributions.

#2Financing Infrastructure Icons

The Board directs staff to work with stakeholders to produce the necessary organizational and resource requirements for the Tysons Partnership by October 15, 2010 so that it is positioned to be in place prior to any redevelopment activity in Tysons. This should include the aspects of the Partnership presented previously, such as BID-like functions, Transportation Management Association functions and development advisory services.


  • 2011: On January 19, the Tysons Partnership was established, as a private, non-profit membership organization. 
  • 2014: On July 1, the Partnership was named the operator of the new Tysons Transportation Management Association (TyTran/TMA).
  • 2016: The Tysons Partnership Council Program was launched to bring together Tysons Partnership member organizations committed to addressing emerging challenges and opportunities in the Tysons community.
  • 2021: The Tysons Partnership adopted a new Tysons city brand strategy and visual identity system to guide place-based activations, multimedia communications, marketing, programs, and events. 
  • 2022: The Tysons Community Alliance was established in October, sunsetting the Tysons Partnership as the anchor organization for Tysons. 
  • Ongoing: The TCA is implementing various programs of the Strategic Plan, completed in December 2023. In particular, they are focused on identity building, mobility, placemaking, economic vitality, and community building.

#3Financing Infrastructure Icons

The Board recommends that the Tysons Partnership initiate a process to review and potentially change district names to enhance community character and identity.


  • 2012: In April, WMATA approved the Board’s recommended names for the eight Silver Line Metrorail stations (including four in Tysons).
  • 2017: In April, the station names were updated in the Plan.
  • 2020: In June, the Board recommended to WMATA that the Tysons Corner Metrorail station be renamed Tysons, in order to help with branding efforts.
  • Ongoing: As part of implementing the Strategic Plan for Tysons, staff anticipates working with the Tysons Community Alliance on further defining neighborhood character and identity.

#4Financing Infrastructure Icons

The Board recommends that the Tysons Partnership work with Tysons landowners, County agencies, non-profit housing organizations, and interested private entities to establish options for workforce and affordable housing and to help develop options for meeting the workforce and affordable housing elements of this Plan by establishing off-site options for developers when the cost of constructing workforce housing in high rise developments is cost prohibitive. The Tysons Partnership should report back to the Board by January 2011 on the status of these efforts.


  • 2015: Staff worked with the development community and housing advocates to address the issue of providing workforce housing in condominium projects, using the Arbor Row application (PCA 2011-PR-023) as a test case.
  • 2017: On April 4, the Board of Supervisors adopted an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to update the Plan recommendations on for-sale high-rise workforce housing in Tysons.
  • 2019: In March, the Board established a WDU Policy Task Force to evaluate the WDU Rental Program income tiers and percentage of units.
  • 2020: On June 30, the WDU Policy Task Force presented its recommended changes to the Board's Housing Committee. 
  • 2021: On February 23, the Board adopted a Comprehensive Policy Plan amendment for rental Workforce Dwelling Units (WDUs). Two WDU options for Tysons were established. Rental WDU commitment levels associated with high-rise condominium development in Tysons remain the same as for-sale units, but at lower AMI income tiers. Revisions to the Boards’ Tysons Urban Center WDU Policy Administrative Guidelines, the preferred administrative tool to administer and regulate WDUs proffered in conjunction with a rezoning application, were also adopted.
  • 2024: On September 10, the Board adopted a Comprehensive Plan amendment for For-Sale Workforce Dwelling Units (WDUs). The AMI income tiers were lowered for non-high rise for-sale construction; no changes were proposed or adopted for For-Sale WDUs in high rise condominiums in Tysons. Revisions to the Boards’ Tysons Urban Center WDU Policy Administrative Guidelines, the preferred administrative tool to administer and regulate WDUs proffered in conjunction with a rezoning application, were also adopted.
  • Ongoing: All rezoning applications in Tysons are reviewed against the Plan’s recommendations to provide affordable and workforce housing options. 

#5Financing Infrastructure Icons

In order to create a greater sense of community for the residents of Tysons, a residential organization that represents all of the residential stakeholders and entities in Tysons should be established.


  • 2011: The Tysons Partnership was introduced under the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors’ direction to create a partnership organization with stakeholders to be in place prior to any redevelopment activity in Tysons. The Partnership successfully served the needs of Tysons for many years. 
  • 2021: As Tysons has grown and changed since Plan adoption, the County, the Tysons Partnership and community stakeholders formed a work group to explore alternative business and funding models to ensure a sustainable anchor organization that meets the needs of and supports the growing Tysons community. 
  • 2022: Tysons’ new anchor organization, The Tysons Community Alliance (TCA) was established in October. The organization’s by-laws reflect the collective vision of an organization that is representative of Tysons’ residents, civic and community groups, the County, and property owners. The establishment of the TCA sunset the Tysons Partnership. 
  • 2023: The TCA completed a Strategic Plan for Tysons in December, which outlined five key themes related to residential development, placemaking, and community identity. A separate residential organization may no longer be needed.

#6Green Building Incentives Icons

The Board directs staff to make recommendations to the Legislative Committee on financial incentives such as tax abatement, which can offset the initial cost and help to encourage green buildings, especially at the LEED or equivalent Gold and Platinum levels; and the authority to require adequate public facilities as a condition for development in urban areas like Tysons.

  • 2010: On September 21, the Board’s Legislative Committee decided to not seek legislation on tax incentives for green buildings and to not seek legislation allowing Fairfax County to require adequate public facilities.

#7Periodic Monitoring Icons

The Board directs that staff report annually or as requested on the various aspects of the Plan that call for periodic monitoring, particularly in regard to the information needed to determine when it is appropriate to increase the initial development levels for office uses set forth in the Plan, based on the criteria outlined in the Plan as well as the pace of actual redevelopment.


  • 2017: In March, the Plan was amended to include updated monitoring.
  • 2021: Staff developed the Tysons Tracker, a digital GIS platform that replaces the printed Tysons Annual Report. All information contained in past annual reports is carried forward in the Tysons Tracker, and new features are anticipated to be added with future annual updates.
  • Ongoing: Staff has established monitoring parameters and reports on them annually. Staff will use monitoring information to determine the appropriateness of changes to the planned development levels as post-COVID pandemic trends emerge.

#8Prioritize Transportation Facilities Icons

The Board directs staff to commence the planning and operational analysis necessary to implement the higher priority transportation facilities listed in the Plan table titled “Transportation Infrastructure, Programs, and Services, As They Relate to the Level of Development in Tysons.”

  • 2020: In March, the Jones Branch Connector, one of the 17 Table 7 improvements, officially opened.
  • 2022: In November, the Pedestrian and Bicycle bridge over the Beltway/I-495, connecting Tysons Corner Center to Old Meadow Road, officially opened.
  • Ongoing: Staff continues to implement a number of transportation related projects listed in the referenced Plan table (Table 7). A full list of projects utilizing Tysons Funding Plan revenue sources is included in the Transportation section.

#9Mass Transit Planning Icons

The Board directs staff to begin planning for long-term mass transit projects in and around the area, to include investigating a new north-south transit corridor that serves Tysons, and to accelerate all planning and efforts for the extension of mass transit on I-66.


  • 2016: The Countywide Transit Network Study was completed and identifies the type of transit systems needed to accommodate desired economic growth throughout the county over the next several decades.
  • 2023: On July 25, the Board approved Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2021-CW-T1 for BRT along Route 7, which would serve as a north-south transit corridor within Tysons.
  • Ongoing: Staff is working on recommendations not specific to Tysons including a LRT/BRT connection along Gallows Road from Merrifield to Tysons. Recommendations for Express Bus service on I-495 from the Franconia-Springfield Metro Station to Tysons and from Bethesda to Tysons are also in development, further details such as implementation timing, will be shared when available.

#10Address Traffic Congestion Icons

The Board directs staff to work with representatives of communities adjacent to Tysons to formulate policies and procedures for addressing traffic congestion, including measurable strategies to be included as part of the overall plan monitoring.


  • 2010: The Neighborhood Traffic Study analyzed 30 intersections outside of Tysons to determine the impact of the adopted Tysons Comprehensive Plan on these intersections. Phase I (19 intersections), was completed. Tysons Neighborhood Traffic Impact Study Preliminary Results
  • 2018: Phase II (an additional 11 intersections) was completed. The study provides recommendations to mitigate the impacts of future Tysons development on each of the intersections.
  • 2020: Results of the analysis of 2030 traffic impacts and potential mitigation measures for intersections was presented for comments. Eleven intersections will undergo further monitoring. A full list of the intersections is included in the Transportation section. 

#11Circulator Study Icons

The Board directs staff to issue an RFP for the circulator study and bring the results of that study to a future Board transportation committee meeting for discussion. In the circulator study and other future studies, such as the one on Enhanced Public Transportation Corridors, the Board directs staff to include consideration of dedicated transit lanes on Route 7 and other roads in and around Tysons and tie into the mass transit and HOV coming off the HOT lanes on 495.

  • 2013: The Tysons Circulator Study recommended a three-route network, with buses as the preferred mode of transit.  Visit the Tysons Circulator Study webpage.
  • 2017: In March, the Plan was updated to include the circulator network map and related text.
  • 2021: In July, Tysons Circulator Route 422 was eliminated, and service was added to 467.
  • Ongoing: Service will continue to evolve as new roadway facilities open throughout Tysons.

#12Grid of Streets Operational Analysis Icons

The Board applauds the work already begun on operational analysis of the grid of streets and directs staff to continue with this effort, particularly in the vicinity of the intersection of Greensboro Drive and Spring Hill Road.

  • 2013: The Consolidated Transportation Impact Analyses (CTIA) for Tysons East, Tysons West, and Tysons Central have been completed and approved by VDOT as part of the Chapter 870 process. These analyses were done in coordination with landowners and applicants and have led to refined operations on a specific grid of streets within each district and between adjacent districts.
  • Ongoing: Developers have been completing portions of the grid. The County has purchased properties to preserve right-of-way for future grid streets and is designing Lincoln Street.

#13Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study Icons

The Board directs staff to continue the work already begun on the Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study (TMSAMS) under the guidance of the Stakeholder Advisory Group, and directs the TMSAMS to engage the public in identifying and prioritizing projects that provide multi-modal access to the four new Metrorail Stations in Tysons Corner.

  • 2012: On May 22, the TMSAMS recommendations and project list were approved by the Board.
  • 2013: In May, the Board approved a project agreement with VDOT for over $20 million in federal Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds, for preliminary engineering, right-of-way and utilities, and construction expenses for TMSAMS transportation improvements.
  • 2017: In December, the Board officially endorsed lighting for shared-use trails that lead to Metrorail stations, such as the Vesper Trail and Ashgrove Trail, including the design and implementation of these lighting fixtures.
  • 2024: As of June, 41 TMSAMS projects have been completed. 
  • Ongoing: Additional information on TMSAMS, including project status, is available at the Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study webpage.

#14Commuter Parking Icons

The Board directs staff to explore options for providing commuter parking at Metrorail station(s) in Tysons Corner on an interim basis until Tysons development reaches a level where such commuter parking is not practical or desirable.


  • 2013: On June 30, the Board entered into an interim Park-and-Ride Lot agreement with Cityline Partners for 711 spaces in a new surface lot at 1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
  • 2014: On July 26, the lot opened. 
  • 2018: An RFI was distributed in an effort to form agreements with property owners interested in providing interim parking for Metrorail.
  • 2022: In July, the interim parking facility closed to the public due to site redevelopment. 
  • 2024: No commuter lot options are currently known. Development has reached a level where commuter parking may no longer be practical or desirable.

#15Grid of Streets Map Icons

The Board directs staff to bring to the Board an official map of those streets associated with the first rezoning to the Planned Tysons Corner Urban Center (PTC) district. The official map should be adopted concurrently with the rezoning or as soon as possible subsequent to the rezoning and should include existing streets and future street alignments that have been conceptually engineered. The Board further directs staff to bring forward amendments to the official map associated with subsequent rezonings when such are required to address the alignments of new or modified streets that have been conceptually engineered.

  • 2017: In March, the Conceptual Grid of Streets map contained within the Comprehensive Plan was updated as part of the Plan Amendment; no official map is proposed.
  • Ongoing: A map of delivered streets and proffered streets that are not yet built is included in the Transportation section.

#16Public Facilities & Parks Icons

The Board directs staff to bring to the Board for adoption an official map of public facilities concurrently with the first rezoning to the Planned Tysons Corner Urban Center (PTC) district. The official map should include the locations of existing and planned public facilities, including parks and athletic fields, that have been identified within the district or sub-district of the rezoning application. The Board further directs staff to bring forward amendments to the official map with subsequent rezonings when such are required to reflect the locations of additional public facilities as they are identified.

  • 2014: In October, A Tysons Park System Concept Plan (Concept Plan) was endorsed by the Park Authority Board that refines and elaborates on the Conceptual Parks and Open Space Network in the Plan.
  • 2017: In March, the Board adopted the conceptual plans for public facilities and for parks into the Plan; no official map is proposed.
  • Ongoing: The Tysons Tracker provides annual updates to planned and constructed public facilities, parks, and athletic fields. 

#17Workforce Housing Policy Icons

The Board directs staff to bring back to the Board an evaluation of two possible changes to the Policy Plan, one of which would modify the County’s workforce housing policy to encourage monetary contributions to affordable and workforce housing from future non-residential development; and, the other would modify the Transit Oriented Development policy to incorporate specific conditions related to walking distance from station entrances rather than station platforms.

  • 2011: On March 29, these two items were referred by the Board to the Planning Commission.
  • 2014: On February 23, the Board directed staff to further study the “3-2-1 proposal” for per square foot contributions to affordable housing from developers of commercial properties in activity centers; to prepare analyses of actual cases once sufficient new commercial developments which proffered $3.00 per square foot in Tysons come online; and, to subsequently return to the Board with any recommendations for modifications for Tysons and potentially other areas of the County.
  • 2024: The first phase of the Policy Plan amendment work currently being conducted, as part of Plan Forward, includes reviewing Appendix 11: Guidelines for TOD Development for potential changes.

#18Urban Design Guidelines Icons

The Board directs staff to prepare, in coordination with appropriate stakeholders, the urban design guidelines manual that expands upon, and provides additional detail on the urban design elements contained in the Plan.

  • 2012: On January 24, The Tysons Urban Design Guidelines were endorsed by the Board.
  • 2017: On March 14, an updated version was endorsed by the Board to reflect lessons learned and current practice in development review.
  • 2023: On February 7, the Board endorsed an appendix to the Urban Design Guidelines for street trees. The Appendix provides greater flexibility with tree planting standards and codifies the amount of tree canopy credit given to incentivizes street tree planting. On February 7, the Board endorsed design guidance for the Tysons Community Circuit. 
  • Ongoing: Staff continues to monitor the implementation of the guidelines and identify items for consideration in future updates. Tysons Urban Design Guidelines

#19Staff Resource Assessment Icons

The Board directs staff to assess the need for dedicated staffing and staff resource requirements for development applications, plan monitoring and other activities necessary to implement the Plan for Tysons and return to the Board with its recommendation.

  • 2010: A staff resource plan was developed, approved and implemented to support the implementation of the Plan for Tysons.
  • 2010: An interdepartmental Core Team comprised of staff from the various agencies responsible for development review was established to allow for a comprehensive review of the inter-related issues that need to be addressed in an urban-style of development. Collectively, the Core Team members are better able to understand the relationship of all the issues, rather than focusing exclusively or primarily on individual areas of emphasis.
  • 2011: Development of an interdepartmental Steering Committee to provide a regular point of contact with senior staff. The Steering Committee allows issues to be quickly reviewed at the senior staff level when Tysons-wide or County-wide policy may be impacted or when such decisions are needed on site specific zoning applications.
  • 2012: Creation of “Tysons Coordinator” positions in DPD and LDS, as well as one full-time and one part-time Tysons plan reviewer in LDS. VDOT also created a Tysons Coordinator position.
  • Ongoing: In addition to the primary site plan reviewer being a member of the Tysons Core Team, staff has developed a process whereby members of the Core Team who do not have site plan approval authority (such as DPD, FCDOT, and FCPA) review and comment on submitted site plans.

#20Flexible to Meet Plan Objectives Icons

The Board directs staff to be flexible when reviewing projects that include minor deviations from a strict interpretation of the Plan if such projects exhibit excellence in architecture and urban design; contribute significantly to the urban nature of Tysons; meet transportation and public facility guidelines; and, on balance, meet the objectives of the Plan.

  • 2013: On April 30, Section 2-1200 of the Public Facilities Manual (PFM), Tysons Corner Urban Center was amended to provide the flexibility to comply with the Plan and the Tysons Urban Design Guidelines (TUDG), while providing sufficient surety about the performance of the proposed alternatives.
  • 2014: On May 5, Technical Bulletin 14-07 on Streetlight standards was issued, in order to provide safe, efficient lighting levels for public roadways and adjacent pedestrian corridors, and to streamline the non-standard streetlight review.
  • 2014: Fairfax County, Dominion Energy, and the development community identified mutually acceptable recommendations for locating electrical transformer vaults.
  • 2015: In March, Land Development Services (LDS) published a standard operating procedure for phased occupancy of high-rise buildings throughout the County, in conjunction with the Fire Marshal’s Office, the Building Official and the Director of Site Development and Inspection Division (SDID). SOP Phased Occupancy
  • 2015: On June 3, the Board adopted a PFM Amendment to allow Underground Stormwater Management in Residential and Mixed-use Projects without a Board waiver.
  • 2015: A collectively developed process to address VDOT Level of Service (LOS) Waivers was established for intersections impacted by multiple rezoning applications, resulting in mitigation measures that can be consistently applied.
  • 2016: A new parking website locates all parking information in one place, including information on Tysons processes. Land Development Services Street Parking
  • 2019: Fairfax County and the development community worked to establish a predictable compliance path for rainwater harvesting designs. 
  • 2021: In May, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Board and Dominion Energy, endorsed by VDOT, relieves developers from the required Dominion Energy easements with new infrastructure and enables the installation of infrastructure under sidewalks or parking lanes, improving flexibility. The agreement augments the 2011 MOU between VDOT and the County and streamlines the VDOT permit approval and street acceptance process. 
  • Ongoing: Implementation activities are on-going. More detailed information may be found in previous Progress Reports.
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