Management and Budget

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F
703-324-2391 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway Suite 561
Fairfax, VA 22035-0074
Philip A. Hagen

FY 2019 Budget Process Questions and Answers

The information below is provided in response to questions by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors during the FY 2019 budget development process.  Questions are researched by staff and packages of responses are posted regularly so check back for additional information.


Responses to BOS Questions - Package 1 (11/28/2017)



County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


How does Fairfax County allocate Transient Occupancy Tax revenues to tourism to comply with state requirements?




Please provide information about revenue options available to the County.




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 2 (03/12/2018)


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


What positions are included in the Gang Task Force funding recommendation to address gangs in Fairfax County?




What positions are included in the Opioid Task Force funding recommendation to address the opioid epidemic in Fairfax County?




Facilities:  The lights in the Herrity Building are currently turned off at 7PM during the week.  What would the cost be of extending the hours lighting is provided to 9PM? What would the cost be to retrofit the lighting with automatic light switches? Same questions with the Pennino building if applicable.




Please describe the Explorer Program, the number of schools covered and the current membership.  If possible – how many hires have been former Explorers?  What would the cost be to expand the Explorer program to additional schools?




What was the amount of the offer from Stafford County for the former Command Bus – now the Recruiting Bus?  What is the cost to staff the Recruiting Bus for each location?  How many applicants have been hired from the Recruiting Bus?  What was the cost to refurbish the Recruiting Bus?  What is the schedule for the Recruiting Bus by location, historical by location and dates, and projected?




If the retirement benefit multiplier changed by 0.5 percent for new employees what would the impact be?




For each of the three County pension plans what is the benefit multiplier?  How does the multiplier compare to surrounding jurisdictions and VRS?




Please identify any public safety increases in the proposed budget that were not part of the fiscally-constrained budget projection reviewed at the November 2017 meeting of the Public Safety Committee of the Board.




Please recirculate the Gang Prevention presentation given to the BOS at the 1/9/2018 Meeting and provide this information to the School




What is the baseline budget for Diversion First to which the five-year fiscally constrained request for $9 million and 51/51.0 FTE is being added?




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 3 (03/16/2018)


Fire: For each recruiting class in the last 8 years please provide the following:  (a) the expectation of the size of the class as set initially by the chief, (b) the number of recruits at the beginning of the class and (c) the total number graduating from the recruiting class.




Police: For each recruiting class in the last 8 years please provide the following:  (a) the expectation of the size of the class as set initially by the chief, (b) the number of recruits at the beginning of the class and (c) the total number graduating from the recruiting class.




Provide an inflation adjusted version of the “Federal Procurement Spending in Fairfax County” graph on Slide 7 of the FY 2019 County and Schools Fiscal Forecast Presentation as presented on November 28, 2017.




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 4 (03/28/2018)


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Please explain why the sewer charges are increasing greater than the increase in cost of living and population growth?




Please add the current jail population to the chart provided last year.




Please provide the total number of positions in the Sheriff’s Department in 2015, 2016, and 2017 and include the rank of each position.




Please provide information explaining the difference between EDA Bonds and General Obligation Bonds, including why one project might be a good candidate for an EDA Bond while another would be a candidate for a General Obligation Bond. 




What is the status of the procurement to increase revenue from cellular services on county owned buildings similar to the contract the school system has successfully used to increase their cellular agreement revenue?  Please provide detail of when the procurement process started, the completion date for each step in the process, the remaining steps in the process and the expected date we might begin to see additional revenue?




Facilities:  Please list all organizations (including NGOs, nonprofits, etc.) that are provided or lease space from the county.  Please provide the name of the organization, term of the agreement or lease, location of the space, whether a lease or agreement exists or not, the amount/description/sq. ft. of the space, any rent payment charged (indicate monthly or annual), and if possible the approximate fair market value of the space rental. An excel chart would be helpful.




Responses to BOS Questions - FY 2018 Third Quarter (3/20/2018)



County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Please provide additional information on the full cost of the August Special Election.




Please provide additional information on current debt service balances and how those balances were accumulated. 




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 5 (04/10/2018)


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


What was the cost of the Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) with U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Sheriff's office? How much is projected to be saved from the termination of the IGSA with ICE? How is this reflected in the budget?




Identify each line item in the FY 2019 Advertised Budget Plan that is decreased from the current year’s level.




Please identify each line item in the FY 2019 Advertised Budget that increased more than 3 percent and explain the reason for the increase (Board matter, Board priority discussed in committee, staff recommendation, etc.).




How many people have been directed to treatment via Diversion First since the program began?  How much money has been spent by the Sheriff’s Office to implement Diversion First to date?




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 6 (04/17/2018)


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions




Schools: Please provide an updated chart showing local and state K-12 funding support for localities in Virginia.




Schools: Please identify the number of increased positions in Fairfax County Public Schools Proposed FY 2019 Budget (filled, not vacancies) over the FY 2018 budget, the percentage increase in the number of positions represented by this increase, and where the positions are located.


Please provide the market value of the Channel 16 bus, the annual cost of operations and source of funding for the bus, and the uses of the bus.




Please provide an update on the status of the Willston Multi-Cultural Center, including information on the consent decree.




Please provide a schedule for when the County Executive will get back to the board with a response to Supervisor Herrity’s board approved (May 2, 2017) request for an analysis of overtime pay and scheduling policies throughout the county from both a fiscal and job safety standpoint.




Does the $379,979 increase in Local Cash Match in the Federal-State Grant Fund for Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals include the Meals on Wheels Program?




Identify by County office the number of increased positions over the current year’s budget (filled, not vacancies).




Please identify each staff-generated proposal for a potential reduction, which was not included in the final budget proposal, and explain the effect if the reduction were taken.






Schools: Please compare the state funding estimate in Fairfax County Public Schools Proposed  FY 2019 Budget with the budget proposals passed the week of February 19 by each House of the General Assembly.


What would be the budget impact to migrate all Animal Protection Police Officers over to the O-Scale?  This should take into account any savings generated from no longer having to pay Social Security taxes on the O-Scale salary.




How many current employees and consultants are receiving Fairfax County pension payments?




What savings have been achieved as a result of the last changes that were made to the retirement system?




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 7 (04/17/2018)


Please provide metrics on the improvement in the permitting process since the booster shot program was approved in 2014? How many positions have been added since approving this program and what have the results been to date?




What development process changes have been made? What requirements of industry have been added or removed? How have we improved time to market?




Please provide an update to the number of PIO’s in each department and the resulting labor costs.




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 8 (04/18/2018) 


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Please provide a definition for the term "obsolete building" and provide information on the County's office market in this context.




Please provide more detail and background information related to the Consumer Protection Program – Rabies issue that is identified on the Human Services Resource Plan.




#42 Health and Human Services Resource Plan – How is the agency partially absorbing the costs for Mediation/Restorative Justice Services APP and how will this continue into future years?




What is the status and timeline of the master plan for Green Spring Gardens?




Please provide an update on the audio equipment provided for meeting spaces, the sporadic functioning of microphones makes communications for meetings for those with hearing impairment extremely difficult.






Schools: Please provide the schools plan for dealing with the growth in Tyson’s and corresponding timeline. (Facilities and Transportation Services)




Schools: The projected and actual number of students receiving each type of special education service over the past 5 years. (Financial Services)




Schools: Please describe the Retiree Health Benefit subsidy for County and Schools employees. What would be the cost of increasing the Schools benefit to match the County's? Please include the impact to the Schools OPEB liability. (Human Resources)


Responses to BOS Questions - Package 9 (04/19/2018)  


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Please identify each “priority” (as that term was used in the budget presentation) that was not increased in the final budget proposal, and the basis for identifying the item as a “priority” (Board matter, Board discussion in committee, staff generated item, etc.).




Please provide more detail and background information related to the School Health-Staff Development Specialists identified on the Human Services Resource Plan.




What is the status of the current waiting list for Head Start/Early Head Start?  Also, please project the wait list for the next 5 years.




Please update/expand on the memo provided to the BOS last summer on the Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) longer term priorities, such as increasing hours, branches, materials, and other initiatives.




Please provide additional information on the Innovation Fund included in the Health and Human Services Resource Plan including options for funding.




Please provide information on the status of emergency vehicle traffic preemption (EVP), including proffered improvements, capital expenditures and a list of prioritized locations.




Please describe changes in public safety overtime from the current year and what efforts will be made to reduce overtime.




Please identify any funding increases that would be realized by Fairfax County that are included in the budget proposals passed by each House of the General Assembly this week (week of Feb 19) but that are not accounted for in the proposed county budget.




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 10 (04/20/2018)   


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


What are the standard criteria for ADA compliance for renovations – what is the normal operating procedure? Please provide information for Providence Community Center and Public Safety HQ.






Schools: Please provide a schedule of overtime by employee (withholding their name) including their title, salary overtime amount, and total compensation.




Schools: How many busses have a ridership of less than 20? Of these how many are because they are split feeder busses? (Facilities and Transportation Services)




Schools: What is the corresponding increase in staff required for the projected additional 444 students in the Fall? What is the corresponding increase in staff required for an additional 702 students and associated costs for each. (Financial Services)




Schools: Provide full explanation on how the schools address increasing student projections - for example when absorbed in classroom and when additional staff is required. Provide data points used to determine enrollment projections. How do offsetting decreases factor into the formula? (Financial Services)




Schools: Please provide a comparison of projected FRM and actual FRM enrollment in total and the percentages for each elementary, middle and high school over the past 5 years. (Financial Services)




Schools: Please provide an explanation for the additional $16.8 million in unspecified "salary supplements," which increased from $15 million to $32.4 million. (Financial Services)




Schools: Please provide an explanation for the additional $4.1 million in "materials and supplies." (Financial Services)




Schools: Please provide an explanation for the  additional $0.5 million for "hourly technical" workers. (Financial Services)


Responses to BOS Questions - Package 11 (04/20/2018)   


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions




1. What would be the total additional cost to FCPS in each of the next 3 fiscal years (FY 2019, FY 2020 and FY 2021) if these changes are implemented?

2. What is the total additional cost to FCPS in FY 2019 if the pay scale changes are implemented for: a. Schedule A employees only? b. Schedule B employees only? c. Schedule C employees only?

3. For each of the approximately 200 individual employees in Schedule C, show their annual compensation before the increase, the amount of the increase each will receive on an annual basis as a result of these changes, and the percentage change?

4. Do the ranges of increases listed in the documents that describe the pay scale recommendations include the MSA and any step increases these employees will receive during FY 2019?

5. Are the costs of these pay scale changes reflected in the FCPS proposed budget for FY 2019? a. If so, where are they shown and in what amount?


Responses to BOS Questions - Package 12 (04/23/2018)   


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions




Schools: Please provide additional detail on the compensation plan in the FCPS FY 2019 Advertised Budget.


Responses to BOS Questions - Package 13 (06/07/2018)   


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Compare revenue Fairfax County receives from the Commonwealth of Virginia to revenue the State receives that can be identified as being generated in Fairfax County.






Please provide information on upcoming school renovations and the increased flexibility provided by a $25 million annual increase in bond sales over the next several years.




What are the projected and actual savings from employee attrition?




Please ask Fairfax County Public Schools to identify each line item in the proposed school budget, other than compensation related items, that increased more than 3% in the proposed school budget. 




How many students are bussed to schools outside of the school in whose boundary they reside? Please provide a breakdown of reasons the students are bussed if possible.


Responses to BOS Questions - Package 14 (06/27/2018)



County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Please provide information about the current status of proffers and how they are being used to fund school construction requirements.




Responses to BOS Questions - Package 15 (11/20/2018)    


County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


Please provide information about how much the new heliport is going to cost and provide justification on why we need two helicopters.



Please report on the feasibility and the effort required to share the speed data between the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD) and the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT).




Please show the mean and median income, assets, and property values of participants in the County’s real estate tax relief program for calendar year 2018.  




Please show the mean assessed values of residential properties in Fairfax County for the last 5 years.




Provide estimates on what it would cost for the County to make a deferred compensation contribution to non-merit employees.  Identify one-time or recurring costs.




How many non-merit benefits eligible employees does the County have?  How long have they worked for the County?  How many hours do they work?




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