Department of Emergency Management and Security
Emergency kits of various types are essential resources in an emergency. These include kits for sheltering-in-place at home, evacuating (variously known as a "go kit," "go bag," "grab-and-go-bag," or "bug-out bag."
Emergency kits include basic supplies and are tailored to every person's need. You will need additional supplies if your household has children, seniors, individuals with access and functional needs, or pets. Kits should be kept in a water-resistant container or a sturdy, transportable bag, and stored in locations where they will be both useful and accessible when needed:
• Shelter-in-place emergency supply kit: in a secure location in your home or at work.
• Evacuation go bag: a convenient place for evacuation, like a garage or near your front door.
• Vehicle kit: one in each vehicle.
Remember that your kits' contents can overlap in a disaster- if you are sheltering at home, you will have access to all of your kits. If you have to evacuate from home, you will only have your vehicle kit and any go bag you can grab. If disaster strikes while you are out, your vehicle kit may be all you have.
Fairfax County recommends every household keep three to five day's worth of food, water, and supplies in their shelter-in-place kits for each member of the household.
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